Contacting Zergling_man
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Zergling_man's Information
Zergling_man's Bio
My avatar changes daily. Get tilted, learn to read usernames.
Stop consuming goyslop vidya, come play good old vidya with me instead: http://rakka.au/swat/
Hashtags are groops, just use them.
My groops:
#shoujo - cute girls doing cute things
#recc'd - myroid posting
#feditabletop - board games, RPGs, etc.
@yukimi123@mi.nakn.jp の友達🕶
oh yeah I'm the admin btw
I unfollowed you because you put christmas shit in your avatar/nick/whatever.
Or because you're talking about vtubers instead of playing swat with me.
Zergling_man's Posts
Zergling_man has 21 posts.
@Marshall1Banana Cleric.
Mentions: @Marshall1Banana@poa.st
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@pomstan @dj What's not wrong with acme
by Nigger_Deluxe 🍕 :blobcattransegg: 🗺 ;
Mentions: @a1hwoqtjv13r0001@ti.parcero.casa @pomstan@xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb
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@dj I'm happy to discuss/explain anything I mention.
I have my own 100-line ACME client based on a 400-line python script that was designed to be "so simple you can audit it yourself"... That contains one mega-function that defines about 5 others as it operates, and some 8000-line acme.sh that seems to want to support absolutely everything.
My conclusion is: It's doing about 3x as much as it needs to.
I'll take your word for it. One size fits all but fits none well seems to be their approach. So don't use that script at all?
This could be my limited experience doesn't certbot do the same thing?
I'll go back to dns validation, i use it for my internal sites that are blocked from the internet but I want certs on. I thought acme was considered "legacy"
by DJ :catcrunk: :dance: :gigachad: ;
Mentions: @a1hwoqtjv13r0001@ti.parcero.casa
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@dj If LE cared about internet security they would be advocating for real web-of-trust instead of offering stopgaps in this protection racket.
Also they would acknowledge ACME as the steaming pile of shit it is.
I don't know what that means so I can't argue. But I also won't look a gift horse in the mouth. LE with dns validation works great for me.
by DJ :catcrunk: :dance: :gigachad: ;
@Zergling_man @dj what's wrong with acme
by pomstan ;
Mentions: @a1hwoqtjv13r0001@ti.parcero.casa
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@Twig @Jonny @RexRedbone @Economic_Hitman @1995f976802c5db46c43ce7a838acc913b9f72a9dec835e766fbab08b12067b1 @jeff @wollmonster @Lyx @get @PurpCat @Tony @realman543 @Soy_Magnus >watching TV
@Zergling_man @realman543 @Tony @get @PurpCat @Lyx @Soy_Magnus @wollmonster @jeff @1995f976802c5db46c43ce7a838acc913b9f72a9dec835e766fbab08b12067b1 @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Jonny
Yesterday morning Joe was looking out the window of the White House at the fresh blanket of snow that had fallen overnight.
He noticed someone had peed the words "F-You Joe Biden" in the snow outside his window!
He was furious, and called for the Secret Service, FBI, and the CIA.
by Twig ;
Mentions: @Lyx@cum.salon @Soy_Magnus@detroitriotcity.com @jeff@noxon.cc @Economic_Hitman@noauthority.social @Twig@noauthority.social @jonny@neuromatch.social
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@Soy_Magnus @Jonny @Twig @RexRedbone @Economic_Hitman @1995f976802c5db46c43ce7a838acc913b9f72a9dec835e766fbab08b12067b1 @jeff @wollmonster @Lyx @get @PurpCat @Tony @realman543 ffs
I only just realised that we could have had "winners don't do drugs" as an anti-vax slogan
by Soy_Magnus ;
Mentions: @Lyx@cum.salon @Soy_Magnus@detroitriotcity.com @jeff@noxon.cc @Economic_Hitman@noauthority.social @Twig@noauthority.social @jonny@neuromatch.social
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@Dudebro @DEERBLOOD >Watching YouTube videos
Why would you do that to yourself?
by Nigger_Deluxe 🍕 :blobcattransegg: 🗺 ;
Mentions: @Dudebro@nicecrew.digital @DEERBLOOD@poa.st
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by Nigger_Deluxe 🍕 :blobcattransegg: 🗺 ;
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Maybe it is a combination of kek and wwwww (warau/grass).
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by Nigger_Deluxe 🍕 :blobcattransegg: 🗺 ;
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by Nigger_Deluxe 🍕 :blobcattransegg: 🗺 ;
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by Nigger_Deluxe 🍕 :blobcattransegg: 🗺 ;
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by Nigger_Deluxe 🍕 :blobcattransegg: 🗺 ;
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@taylan @coolboymew @Suiseiseki This reads like a troll but it's feministwiki.org...
Hmm yeah I think it's a troll instance.
by cool_boy_mew ;
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@Mamako @Suiseiseki @taylan >[most] Anime doesn’t have infinity trannies and niggers so by definition it can’t be goyslop
Trans Woman of Color :blobcat-smug:
by Taylan (Actual Literal Cat) ;
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@Suiseiseki @taylan To be fair, the quote is from my profile where it is talking about videogames, so same applies.
by Mamako ;
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@Suiseiseki coronavaxx
Unrelated but:
> stop consuming goyslop
> *consumes anime*
by Taylan (Actual Literal Cat) ;
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@Suiseiseki @rms >suiseiseki lecturing rms in freedom
>>>>rms put proprietary code in his body
What proprietary code?
by 翠星石 ;
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