Taylan (Actual Literal Cat)

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Taylan (Actual Literal Cat)'s Posts

Taylan (Actual Literal Cat) has 5 posts.

Taylan (Actual Literal Cat)

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@coolboymew @Suiseiseki @Zergling_man

Says the man who thinks completely normal looking (in fact quite attractive) female characters like Shadowheart from BG3 are "intentionally ugly character design" because they don't look like an anorexic 12 year-old with the eyes of a tarsier.

@taylan @Suiseiseki @Zergling_man @coolboymew 0 days without someone glazing up the middest 4/10 elf from baldurs gay 3

by Ace Ice ;

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Taylan (Actual Literal Cat)

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@coolboymew @Suiseiseki @Zergling_man

They just didn't want to politicise the anime. She didn't have the courage to come out because of transphobic bigots like you!! :blobcat-angry:

@taylan @coolboymew @Suiseiseki This reads like a troll but it's feministwiki.org...
Hmm yeah I think it's a troll instance.

by Zergling_man ;

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Taylan (Actual Literal Cat)

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@coolboymew @Suiseiseki @Zergling_man

You just don't want to admit that you're attracted to a proud Trans Woman of Color.

@taylan @Suiseiseki @Zergling_man the reason Hoshino Daruku was crossdressing was NOT revealed in the anime and IIRC he clearly identified as a boy

by cool_boy_mew ;

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Taylan (Actual Literal Cat)

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@Zergling_man @Suiseiseki

Trans Woman of Color :blobcat-smug:

@taylan @Suiseiseki @Zergling_man he's a cute trap, get it right

by cool_boy_mew ;

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Taylan (Actual Literal Cat)

In response to this post

@Zergling_man @Suiseiseki

Unrelated but:

> stop consuming goyslop
> *consumes anime*


@taylan @Zergling_man How does watching a Chinese cartoon consume it?

You can play a video file as many times as you like in mpv and it won't degrade the slightest bit.

by 翠星石 ;

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