Let's encrypt doesn't feel scammy to me but it is a single point of failure for a lot of the internet. Only big corporate sites use paid certs, I can see "globalists" targeting it to silence the little guy.
DJ :catcrunk: :dance: :gigachad:'s Post
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@dj If LE cared about internet security they would be advocating for real web-of-trust instead of offering stopgaps in this protection racket.
Also they would acknowledge ACME as the steaming pile of shit it is.
I don't know what that means so I can't argue. But I also won't look a gift horse in the mouth. LE with dns validation works great for me.
by DJ :catcrunk: :dance: :gigachad: ;
@Zergling_man @dj what's wrong with acme
by pomstan ;
Mentions: @a1hwoqtjv13r0001@ti.parcero.casa
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