Contacting 翠星石
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[[[ To any NSA, CIA & FBI agents reading my profile; please consider ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
Free software extremist who enjoys freedom and posting ですぅ.
Please don't confuse me with an "open source" supporter ですぅ.
GNU+Jihad against proprietary and "open source" software ですぅぅぅぅぅぅ!!!
ⓘ User is part of an online terrorist organization.
翠星石's Posts
翠星石 has 3 posts.
@taylan @Zergling_man How does watching a Chinese cartoon consume it?
You can play a video file as many times as you like in mpv and it won't degrade the slightest bit.
by Zergling_man ;
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@Zergling_man Lecture? I'm just adding a comment.
What proprietary code?
by Zergling_man ;
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@rms Don't some hybrids use supercapacitors rather than a battery, thus rendering a charging plug in those mostly pointless?
That's rather pushing for all hybrids to be; "Plug-in hybrids".
I reckon a supercapacitor hybrid really would remove a lot of the inefficiencies of ICE's while also not having a battery to wear out.
Unfortunately, almost all modern electric or hybrid cars are ruinous for your freedom due to all the spyware and proprietary software that is remotely updated, or updated at the dealership.
>>>>rms put proprietary code in his body
by Zergling_man ;
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