
coolboymew's pfp

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An invincible aura, brimming with happiness
Keeping on shiny shiny on the stage
I won't ever stop shining on it
An impulsive power in full bloom
You'll be dazzled won't you?

I post NSFW stuff here and there, minor dni, you WILL be blocked

cool_boy_mew's Posts

cool_boy_mew has 7 posts.


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@sun @mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad john candy didn't star in the best of movies unfortunately

@coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad also this movie is supposedly bad but I actually love it

by Christmas Sun ;

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@noyoushutthefuckupdad @mangeurdenuage I was thinking we could watch this because of recent news

But I have no idea if it's even decent or an unholy disaster

@coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad @mangeurdenuage overrated imo but okay

by Christmas Sun ;

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@noyoushutthefuckupdad @mangeurdenuage I watched the VHS so much as a kid... Then probably rented the next 3-4 ones... and at some point I found out the 16th was coming out, what?

@coolboymew @mangeurdenuage I respect Don Bluth but the man's gotta pay the bills.

by Dad ;

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@lain the what

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@Zergling_man @taylan @Suiseiseki taylan is a known retard

@coolboymew @Suiseiseki @Zergling_man

Says the man who thinks completely normal looking (in fact quite attractive) female characters like Shadowheart from BG3 are "intentionally ugly character design" because they don't look like an anorexic 12 year-old with the eyes of a tarsier.

by Taylan (Actual Literal Cat) ;

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@taylan @Suiseiseki @Zergling_man the reason Hoshino Daruku was crossdressing was NOT revealed in the anime and IIRC he clearly identified as a boy

@coolboymew @Suiseiseki @Zergling_man

They just didn't want to politicise the anime. She didn't have the courage to come out because of transphobic bigots like you!! :blobcat-angry:

by Taylan (Actual Literal Cat) ;

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@taylan @Suiseiseki @Zergling_man he's a cute trap, get it right

@coolboymew @Suiseiseki @Zergling_man

You just don't want to admit that you're attracted to a proud Trans Woman of Color.

by Taylan (Actual Literal Cat) ;

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