Sally Strange

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Sally Strange's Bio

Chronic illness, probably neurodivergent. White & anti-whiteness.
Liberals DNI. Just kidding, I love you liberals. Don't block me just because I'm right

Sally Strange's Posts

Sally Strange has 243 posts.

Cory Doctorow

Sally Strange Boosted

A word to Facebook employees

@pluralistic "Quiet quitting" is the best thing employees at these fucked up companies can do. Just don't do anything. Do the bare minimum to not get fired, make them pay you every month for showing up and being essentially dead weight.

by Maki ;

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Mastodon Migration

Sally Strange Boosted

Maybe you've seen this post about how you should block trackers if you use :

Well, an interesting corollary is if you use Mastodon to access Bluesky accounts via the bridge, it effectively blocks all tracking. Below is a side by side comparison of a uBlock Origin block log for a popular account on Bluesky versus looking at the same account bridged to Mastodon.

Guess it's pretty obvious, but kind of cool that Mastodon is a Bluesky tracker blocker.

Tags: #bluesky

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Syphist :verifiedtrans:

Sally Strange Boosted

We need a cheesey 80s and 90s style sitcom, but everyone is queer and they all make mediocre puns and jokes similar to my gender shitposting shenanigans. Complete with a laugh track. We could get gems like:

1. "It's a shame we can't fuck on Tuesdays"
2. "That's what she said" followed by "which one?" from someone else
3. "Gender? I hardly know her!"
4. "They're a they/them? More like mayhem"
5. "Last one to leave is gay" followed by awkward silence of the cast just sitting there for an uncomfortably long time

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Kit Bashir

Sally Strange Boosted

City-busting wildfires in the dead of winter were more than enough to make Californians demand a refund on 2025.
The San Andreas fault becoming---the technical term we use here at SAFOD---"frisky" added insult to injury.

From a background rate of a few minor tremors a week, we started seeing a few an hour, then dozens an hour. Small, but concerning. A bunch of research leads us to believe that thermal instabilities below the seismogenic zone [Wang, Barbot 2020 ¹] can trigger tremors, and that patterns of temporal clustering [Liu, Ross, Cochran, Lapusta 2022 ²] are significant. Location of tremors also clusters, but the locus can be seen [Shelley 2010 ³] to move along the fault at the speed of a cantering horse. What I'm saying is that there is a lot of information content in tremors. But now there's something new.

We were looking at an animation of tremor appearance on Kelly's iPad. Red circles appeared and disappeared indicating quakes, and a "boop" sound whose pitch encoded seismic wave frequency accompanied each quake. It was like a symphony. "It's weird how the tremors are coming in twos and threes, and then a gap" Kelly was saying, "that's a new pattern, its like the fault is sending Morse code". They laughed, then trailed off.

Mish ran with the gag "yeah look, there's two long tremors and a short, Aitch, then two short and a long, You, two long ones that's M, hang on A..N...S. Very funny, Kez, you are messing with me about a serious fucking matter. We're trying to save lives here."

"I'm not messing with you" Kelly insisted, “this is yesterdays seismic data sped up 100 times”.

Mish pulled out a notepad and a pencil. "Go back to to the start". She started scribbling as the train of Boop Blorb Bip representing yesterday's tremors played back.


"Now /you're/ messing with /me/ Kelly insisted". Meanwhile I had my hands in my hair in the international sign for "this cannot be happening".

"Keep going", I instructed hoarsely, barely able to speak as the letters were jotted down



Tags: #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot

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Ericka Simone

Sally Strange Boosted

If you want to send help, there is a legendary bookstore in Alta/Pasadena called “Octavia’s Shelf” that is currently doing amazing relief work for the community. Find their contact info, connect with them, and see how you can support both their business and their efforts.

Tags: #eatonfire #altadena #pasadena #octaviasshelf

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wet forest moon folklorist

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Sally Strange Boosted

people are talking about how Octavia Butler "predicted" the chaos in LA , but a big part of that is she understood the patterns of our society & could project them forward. she was a student of the systems we live within.

more of us can practice thinking in systems, examine how systems nest within one another, and be strategic about how to interrupt and shift patterns of destruction into patterns for living. this is why i think systems thinking is one of our most important social technologies!

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wet forest moon folklorist

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Sally Strange Boosted

pattern is one word for a system of relationships that somehow repeats itself across time or space. if we understand a pattern we know how to react to its various permutations, and won't keep getting fooled by its surface presentations. we also can look at the feedback loops of that pattern for strategic places to shift it.

for example, those of us who understand enshittification already blocked meta, lol. we don't have to wait for bad results, we understand how the pattern works

people are talking about how Octavia Butler "predicted" the chaos in LA , but a big part of that is she understood the patterns of our society & could project them forward. she was a student of the systems we live within.

more of us can practice thinking in systems, examine how systems nest within one another, and be strategic about how to interrupt and shift patterns of destruction into patterns for living. this is why i think systems thinking is one of our most important social technologies!

by wet forest moon folklorist ;

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wet forest moon folklorist

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Sally Strange Boosted

our universe and our earth unfold via complex, overlapping, and interrelated systems. this is the nature of our reality: we live in and are ourselves part of systems operating both at scales we can study and also at scales our scientists do not know how to study

though humans across time have no doubt evolved ways of relating to the complexity of our world, our current society has very little cultural infrastructure for it. so its on us to (re) learn these relationships, to think in patterns

pattern is one word for a system of relationships that somehow repeats itself across time or space. if we understand a pattern we know how to react to its various permutations, and won't keep getting fooled by its surface presentations. we also can look at the feedback loops of that pattern for strategic places to shift it.

for example, those of us who understand enshittification already blocked meta, lol. we don't have to wait for bad results, we understand how the pattern works

by wet forest moon folklorist ;

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wet forest moon folklorist

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Sally Strange Boosted

of course tons of people are struggling enough with its contradictions to reach beyond the surface of American consumerism and look for something deeper. too often they get scooped up by bad faith actors who correctly diagnose that something's wrong, but offer up the worst possible explanations and paths forward

to address this, liberals pursue fact checking, but fact checking is not critical thinking. to consider the phenomena in front of us, we have to be students of relationship and pattern

our universe and our earth unfold via complex, overlapping, and interrelated systems. this is the nature of our reality: we live in and are ourselves part of systems operating both at scales we can study and also at scales our scientists do not know how to study

though humans across time have no doubt evolved ways of relating to the complexity of our world, our current society has very little cultural infrastructure for it. so its on us to (re) learn these relationships, to think in patterns

by wet forest moon folklorist ;

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wet forest moon folklorist

Sally Strange Boosted

post: thinking in systems

americans want to follow rules (or just follow influencers who figure out the rules for us) in part because we are socialized to be quiet and consume, to take things at face value. the harder things get, the more we want the certainty of order imposed by others

but when we practice thinking about systems -- how the things in our life are interconnected and what the nature of those relationships are -- we're so much better equipped to navigate complexity

of course tons of people are struggling enough with its contradictions to reach beyond the surface of American consumerism and look for something deeper. too often they get scooped up by bad faith actors who correctly diagnose that something's wrong, but offer up the worst possible explanations and paths forward

to address this, liberals pursue fact checking, but fact checking is not critical thinking. to consider the phenomena in front of us, we have to be students of relationship and pattern

by wet forest moon folklorist ;

Tags: #socialtech

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Ericka Simone

Sally Strange Boosted

Excuse me random (probably white) male.

My section of Altadena/Pasadena? North Lake? It’s fucking gone buddy. From Lake hiking to the bunny museum to my pizza place to my grandmothers house. It’s gone you fucking weirdo. I LIVE HERE.

What is wrong with you fuckers in this site. For REAL. Most butthurt weirdos of all time determined to talk over black women. FUCK.

From: my

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Ginny McQueen :inhaler:

Sally Strange Boosted

As someone currently homeless due to climate disaster and hasn't gotten much help, I want to remind y'all to pay special attention to the single and especially the single disabled who are being displaced now.

Everyone wants to help "families". Please remember the people that don't have those.

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Ericka Simone

Sally Strange Boosted

Yeah I’m calling it.
This is going to be worse than the Northridge earthquake and the ‘94 Malibu fires combined. In terms of buildings, heritage/history and lives lost.

Octavia Butlers house gone. Jackie Robinsons house is gone. Will rogers estate lost. Abolitionist John Brown’s site gone. The legendary 150 year old Christmas tree lane destroyed. in the line of fire.

barely exists anymore. is going to shift forever. It is heartbreaking.

Tags: #jpl #nasa #altadena #pasadena #eatonfire #lawildfires

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Sally Strange

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@richpuchalsky This does not leave IWW looking like a useful org?


I think that the part that I'm in, the Freelance Journalist's Union, is useful because it's organized on industrial lines. The "Industrial" part of Industrial Workers of the World doesn't mean heavy industry, it means that workers are supposed to be organized by industry. That makes it more than one workplace somewhere.

by Rich Puchalsky ⩜⃝ ;


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crows call me breadlady

Sally Strange Boosted

picard: we have come to make peaceful contact, but our universal translator can only partially understand your language

alien captain: mcmahon observes with interest

alien number one, skeptical: squidward looking on, looking down

alien captain, insisting: squidward looking on, missing out

picard, vaguely aware of 21c memetics: surprised pikachu?

alien crew, in unison: LEO DICAPRIO POINTING

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Sally Strange Boosted

I pray the tomb is shut forever. I pray the rock is never rolled away. I pray that which was buried remains buried, insensate, in perpetual rest, with closed eye and stilled brain. I pray it lives, I pray it sleeps.

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Sally Strange

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@adhdeanasl oh yeah! I just wish it wasn't a one-time thing.

@SallyStrange This playthrough, I’m poking into everything I can. Taking my sweet time. My street cred is 50, and I haven’t had the second meeting with Hanako yet. Just hitting all the gigs, NCPD calls and other events I can.

by ADHDean Is Being A Fanboy ;


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ADHDean Is Being A Fanboy

Sally Strange Boosted

Hey, @SallyStrange, did you know you can repair and ride the rollercoaster in Pacifica?

@adhdeanasl oh yeah! I just wish it wasn't a one-time thing.

by Sally Strange ;

Tags: #cyberpunk2077


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