crows call me breadlady
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demoware given life and also anxiety [camp edition]
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demoware given life and also anxiety [camp edition]
crows call me breadlady's Posts
crows call me breadlady has 12 posts.
crows call me breadlady
picard: we have come to make peaceful contact, but our universal translator can only partially understand your language
alien captain: mcmahon observes with interest
alien number one, skeptical: squidward looking on, looking down
alien captain, insisting: squidward looking on, missing out
picard, vaguely aware of 21c memetics: surprised pikachu?
alien crew, in unison: LEO DICAPRIO POINTING
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crows call me breadlady
@nora rooting for you! here are emojis to use as fuel! :damngood::grimmace::sadboi::think_thonk:
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crows call me breadlady
i made a full-fledged video game that clocks in, unoptimized, at about half a megabyte. something about 500mb electron apps is, like, offensive to me. it isn’t a responsible use of resources, it isn’t a wise approach, it’s just lazy and ignorant. so i want to run laps around these dweebs with software the size of a game cart from 1986, because i can, and because you deserve better
oh, that game? it’s a nomadic city builder called The Longtime
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crows call me breadlady
in pursuit of making tiny websites, i’m cutting react out of my stack as much as i can, which practically also includes nixing jsx. to that end, i published html-alchemist to provide a more concise way to express and template html in javascript, completely eliminating my need for jsx. combined with webcomponents, you can remove react from your stack entirely without losing any functionality — and you’ll never have to write an end tag again!
i made a full-fledged video game that clocks in, unoptimized, at about half a megabyte. something about 500mb electron apps is, like, offensive to me. it isn’t a responsible use of resources, it isn’t a wise approach, it’s just lazy and ignorant. so i want to run laps around these dweebs with software the size of a game cart from 1986, because i can, and because you deserve better
oh, that game? it’s a nomadic city builder called The Longtime
by crows call me breadlady ;
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crows call me breadlady
my appdev philosophy these days is to make web apps that clock in at under a megabyte, so they run everywhere and load *fast*. i want to make tooling that allows me to make more kinds of apps into tiny websites, especially multi-user apps like chatrooms, or social feeds. even once i complete minos 1.0, there will be tons of documentation to write to explain best practices in a “bring your own data” paradigm, but, personally? i think i write decent docs
in pursuit of making tiny websites, i’m cutting react out of my stack as much as i can, which practically also includes nixing jsx. to that end, i published html-alchemist to provide a more concise way to express and template html in javascript, completely eliminating my need for jsx. combined with webcomponents, you can remove react from your stack entirely without losing any functionality — and you’ll never have to write an end tag again!
by crows call me breadlady ;
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crows call me breadlady
the first app that will support minos integration — to support multi-device sync — will be my diary “spellbook” which you can already use:
spellbook stores its data in your browser, so your data never leaves your machine. once it has minos integration, your data will be able to sync using a minos token, so your data will only leave your machine to get stored on infrastructure you trust.
my appdev philosophy these days is to make web apps that clock in at under a megabyte, so they run everywhere and load *fast*. i want to make tooling that allows me to make more kinds of apps into tiny websites, especially multi-user apps like chatrooms, or social feeds. even once i complete minos 1.0, there will be tons of documentation to write to explain best practices in a “bring your own data” paradigm, but, personally? i think i write decent docs
by crows call me breadlady ;
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crows call me breadlady
“minos” is a proxy around couchdb that enables a “bring your own data” appdev paradigm. what does that mean? it means you can code your apps so users provide their own database info, so you don’t have to run servers as an appdev or access user data in any way, while users retain ownership of their data. users get this info from the minos server where they have an account, which an admin might host for their community. minos extends couchdb to ensure efficient resource usage and tight permissions
the first app that will support minos integration — to support multi-device sync — will be my diary “spellbook” which you can already use:
spellbook stores its data in your browser, so your data never leaves your machine. once it has minos integration, your data will be able to sync using a minos token, so your data will only leave your machine to get stored on infrastructure you trust.
by crows call me breadlady ;
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crows call me breadlady
ok so i started working on the witch calendar because i wanted to 1) hate on the gregorian, as is my hater duty 2) get myself back into coding because i kinda lost momentum to depression. if you can read this, honestly, you probably know how it goes
so lemme tell you about what else i’m working on
“minos” is a proxy around couchdb that enables a “bring your own data” appdev paradigm. what does that mean? it means you can code your apps so users provide their own database info, so you don’t have to run servers as an appdev or access user data in any way, while users retain ownership of their data. users get this info from the minos server where they have an account, which an admin might host for their community. minos extends couchdb to ensure efficient resource usage and tight permissions
by crows call me breadlady ;
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crows call me breadlady
my hand slipped and i got it down to 50kb over the wire
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crows call me breadlady
i shrank the payload of witch-clock by another 20kb. 120kb total, 90 of which is the stylesheet
# The Calendar of the Witchmothers
> A lunar-solar calendar for living on Earth.
my hand slipped and i got it down to 50kb over the wire
by crows call me breadlady ;
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crows call me breadlady
do you not like lisps because of a flavor’s ecosystem? its users? a lack of tooling? all of these are more valid than disliking parens. cope
@garbados for me the whole “because parentheses” take is incredibly ignorant and infuriating because the parentheses in Lisp is not just an arbitrary syntactic choice, it is a very important feature of the language: its elegant, minimalist syntax.
It is because of the parentheses and the prefix notation that the language is so tiny, and so minimal. It is because of parentheses that you can extend the language itself to include features like infix notation, or type checking, if you really need them. It is because of parentheses that we don’t see people designing entirely new programming languages that compile to Lisp just to add features like type checking. If JavaScript had been a real Lisp (as the original author intended), there would have never been any need for TypeScript, CoffeeScript, PureScript, ClojureScript, or whatever else.
The fact that people are never taught to appreciate the minimalist elegance of Lisp syntax has wasted, without exaggeration, many billions, possibly even trillions, of software engineering man-hours over the years.
#tech #software #lisp #LispLang
by Ramin Honary ;
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crows call me breadlady
“i don’t like lisp because of the parentheses” is a take i have less and less sympathy for over time. what, do you find this.kinda.bullshit() aesthetically inspiring? it’s all code. cope
do you not like lisps because of a flavor’s ecosystem? its users? a lack of tooling? all of these are more valid than disliking parens. cope
by crows call me breadlady ;
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