Sally Strange

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Chronic illness, probably neurodivergent. White & anti-whiteness.
Liberals DNI. Just kidding, I love you liberals. Don't block me just because I'm right

Sally Strange's Posts

Sally Strange has 243 posts.

Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck

Sally Strange Boosted

Oh boy.

First Human Death from Reported in Louisiana

Yes, they're quick to comfort you with the fact that the deceased was old & sick... Oh sorry, "over 65 & had underlying medical issues"


Remember when they emphasized that about so they sent kids back to school & that continues to keep Covid going strong & how *surprise* a lot of college kids now have ? Yeah? Ok good. Keep remembering as this potentially becomes a pandemic.

Tags: #h5n1 #birdflu #COVID #longcovid

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Sally Strange

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@thorncoyle @Alien_Sunset At a certain point, we have to refuse to cede cultural symbols to bigots. They are incessantly stealing and trying to muddy the waters anyway. Situations like this, in my opinion, are better dealt with not by avoiding the symbology* but by using it whilst also being loud as fuck about trans rights.

*Not copies or tributes, but stuff like Mx. Coyle's art here, that shares a theme and has superficial similarity

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the 1998 Sega Saturn RPG, Baroque πŸ”ž

Sally Strange Boosted

what if we held hands on the beach and had incestuous homoerotic tension under the giant statue of Taweret

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Robert Sanscartier

Sally Strange Boosted

Climate activists jailed for combined 41 years vow to β€˜never give up’

SIXTEEN Just Stop Oil activists jailed for a combined 41 years for non-violent action vowed to β€œnever give up” today

Tags: #uk #climatechange #globalwarming #globalburning #climatedestruction #climatesuicide #massextinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #climatestrike

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Winchell Chung βš›πŸš€

Sally Strange Boosted

When it comes to worldbuilding, personally I've always been impressed with the details in the move Mad Max: Fury Road.

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tomate πŸ…

Sally Strange Boosted

Me: "I just don't like leaning on my friends. It makes me feel weak."
Therapist: "Do you know who else leaned on his friends?"
*We both look at her giant poster of Aragorn.*
Therapist: Are you calling Aragorn, son of Arathorn, weak?
Me: *fighting back sobs* N-no.
Therapist: *Slides tissue box over to me*

Thankful for all those letting me lean all over them

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Climate News Now

Sally Strange Boosted

Repression of climate and environmental protest is intensifying across the world.

Climate protests surged in 2018-2019 and have continued, sparking a crackdown by authorities using the law to criminalise and constrain activism.

Tags: #climatechange

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T. Thorn Coyle πŸ–€

Sally Strange Boosted

Oracle Card of the Week:
Remember your connection to magic.

@thorncoyle hey, um…

Why are you using card’s so blatantly related to a bigoted TERF ?
One who proudly claims that anyone using thing related to her copyright are in full support of her views?

by Alien_Sunset ;

Tags: #oraclecards

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Sally Strange

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@Alien_Sunset @thorncoyle They're using cards that they created. Ms. Terf Bigot doesn't own magic or magic wands! Thank goodness too.

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Lazarou Monkey Terror πŸš€πŸ’™πŸŒˆ

Sally Strange Boosted

" bold socialist experiment"

That's how you defeat Fascism, deliver to the People what they want.

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Kyle πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ₯₯🌴

Sally Strange Boosted

Me telling people to reconnect and circle back in the new year: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!

People reconnecting and circling back in the new year: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.

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Aster :neomouse_evil:

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Sally Strange Boosted

"I don't hold with paddlin' with the occult," said Granny firmly. "Once you start paddlin' with the occult you start believing in spirits, and when you start believing in spirits you start believing in demons, and then before you know where you are you're believing in gods. And then you're in touble."

"But all them things exist," said Nanny Ogg.

"That's no call to go around believing in them. It only encourages 'em."

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Sally Strange

@owl well yeah no summer workdays should be so long that you miss the chance for a hike or a swim or whatever

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Sally Strange Boosted

Good timezone fediverse,
Today's song is Ban Piende by Kenyan singer and multi-instrumentalist Makadem.

He plays the Nyatiti, a Kenyan 5 to 8-stringed lute, as well as the Kalimba and normal guitar. His first album from 2005, Ohanglaman uses the very suggestive Luo genre of Ohangla while later songs, this one included, includes a wider range of local genres.
It's a great use of traditional instruments for a modern sound.

Tags: #music #kenya #makadem #songoftheday #rootsmusic

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Jude Ellison S. Doyle

Sally Strange Boosted

ICYMI: "Gender" has transitioned and now goes by "Steve." Thanks for updating your contacts:

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Sally Strange

@owl That's how it's supposed to be. Days are too short for getting much done anyhow. That's what summer is for.

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Sally Strange

@FinalOverdrive Only if you want to!

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Sally Strange Boosted

Doctors warn rapidly growing cancer is linked to tap water
Story by Luke Andrews Senior Health Reporter For Dailymail.Com

@BlueNews : A USA map broken down by county showing numbers of people whose tapwater has more than 10 micrograms per Liter of arsenic. There are four classes:
0 - 50
50 - 500
500 - 5,000
more than 5,000

Areas with more than 5,000 people with high arsenic are seen in southern California, Washington, southern Nevada, the middle of New Mexico, 3 - 4 spots in Texas, one spot in east Illinois, a smattering in Iowa, Ohio, and Michigan as well as northeastern Pennsylvania. North Carolina, Connecticut, and New Hampshire also have several, and Maine seems nearly covered.

by Sally Strange ;

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Sally Strange

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Sally Strange Boosted

@BlueNews : A USA map broken down by county showing numbers of people whose tapwater has more than 10 micrograms per Liter of arsenic. There are four classes:
0 - 50
50 - 500
500 - 5,000
more than 5,000

Areas with more than 5,000 people with high arsenic are seen in southern California, Washington, southern Nevada, the middle of New Mexico, 3 - 4 spots in Texas, one spot in east Illinois, a smattering in Iowa, Ohio, and Michigan as well as northeastern Pennsylvania. North Carolina, Connecticut, and New Hampshire also have several, and Maine seems nearly covered.

Tags: #alt4you #alt4you

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Sally Strange

In response to this post

@BlueNews : A USA map broken down by county showing numbers of people whose tapwater has more than 10 micrograms per Liter of arsenic. There are four classes:
0 - 50
50 - 500
500 - 5,000
more than 5,000

Areas with more than 5,000 people with high arsenic are seen in southern California, Washington, southern Nevada, the middle of New Mexico, 3 - 4 spots in Texas, one spot in east Illinois, a smattering in Iowa, Ohio, and Michigan as well as northeastern Pennsylvania. North Carolina, Connecticut, and New Hampshire also have several, and Maine seems nearly covered.

Tags: #alt4you #alt4you

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