I would like to focus on the things about Mastodon that I have passion for, in a new, more product-oriented role, while leaving the business side of things to a new CEO. This is not immediate and will likely occur within the next 2-3 months.
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I would like to focus on the things about Mastodon that I have passion for, in a new, more product-oriented role, while leaving the business side of things to a new CEO. This is not immediate and will likely occur within the next 2-3 months.
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Eugen Rochko
I don't have a very high opinion of myself as a CEO, and I always imagine where Mastodon might've been today if I wasn't a massive introvert, but I'd like to think there were redeeming qualities about my run, as well.
Overall, it's an opportunity for me to regain some work-life balance, and for Mastodon as an organization to unlock its full potential and avoid some ego- and trademark-related pitfalls that other large open-source projects have recently experienced.
by Eugen Rochko ;
@gargron actually, many of this CEOs could use some more thinking about oneself, and maybe some more self-criticism ... I think you're doing the right thing. And I think that you're not one of those people feeling like the masters of the universe helped a lot. The most catastrophal thing with #musk #zuckerberg and co is their really INSANE hubris ....
by Snorri ;
@Gargron Only the best introverts can do the best software for introverts...
by Konstantin :loading: ;
@Gargron FWIW, I think you did a good job in that role. It’s a thankless role as you become the punching bag - but you kept the train on the tracks. So thank you.
by Kevin Beaumont ;
@Gargron I've been here full time since 2022, and I'm pretty happy with it and where it's going. Thanks for your huge contribution, I'm optimistic it will turn out well.
by John Francis ;
@Gargron I think you do yourself a massive disservice.
Look what storms Mastodon weathered, look who the ‘opposition’ is, and look where the money sits.
Almost every C-suite job is entirely thankless, and I say this from the CISO benches, you’ve been great in the role. A steady hand in uncertain times.
People who want to be execs make the worst execs. The unlikely ones make it through the other side still human.
So thank you for all you’ve done, and we’re just getting started.
by Security Writer :verified: :donor: ;
@Gargron thank you. You did more than anyone could have asked of you
by Vysogota ;
@Gargron You know, in an age where every CEO is so full of themselves, especially when they own a social network, you were the exception to the rule. If you think of what made Mastodon special, many things may derive from the way you are. You can always do things better with the knowledge of hindsight, but how many people would've been able to do as well as you?
by Erik Uden 🍑 ;
@Gargron Thanks for being a good person.
by StillIRise1963 ;
@Gargron Thank you for not being a control freak. I hope the transition goes smoothly and you get some space to breathe and focus on the things you want to focus on.
by Happy Blue Year ;
@Gargron I'm not a big fan of CEOs in general, but listen.
This thing what y'all are doing with Mastodon, is what the internet really needs right now.
Thanks for that!
by Miia Mustang ;
Congrats, Eugen, this is a great step
I think you should think highly of yourself considering how far you have brought the platform already given the limited resources
Different stages require different skills and you might just have been the best choice (Yes, it is possible that someone else could have made it grow faster but also possible they crash it to nothing)
Plus good leaders know when it's time to pass the baton, maybe now is the time for an extrovert :)
Best of luck!
by Samir Al-Battran ;
@Gargron The best leaders are those who don‘t want to be. Thanks for building an alternative to US behemoths!
by Metafrastis ;
@Gargron We don't know where Mastodon could have been more with another person in charge. But we do know where it is now with you, and it's a great place.
So, thank you very much!!!
by Eleder ;
@Gargron Eugen, I feel all of this in my own professional sphere. Maybe us introverts always feel like we aren’t the extroverted dynamos. And it’s very draining work. I’m likely stepping down soon to soon-ish from some things too. Thank you for all your work! You’re handing over a very special creation.
by Stephanie Moore ;
@Gargron Being an introvert is probably why your efforts were succesful - a platform like Mastodon does wonder for introverts, so thank you :) You wanted to do something for the greater good and you did, and will continue to do so - don't be a stranger! ~A fellow introvert 😻
by Anne Williams 🏳️🌈✊☮️ ;
@Gargron Welcome to the FOSS pantheon!
by felis_catus_domesticus ;
@Gargron Don't sell yourself short. You've done an amazing job. I don't think I'm the only one that thinks a lot of what made Mastodon so interesting was that there was this cool guy just working on his pet project at the head. It was a refreshing change of pace for those of seeking refuge from the other places. Thanks for all your hard work and hope you can recapture the part of it that holds your interest. Looking forward to whatever you come up with.
by ktanner :gentoo: :openbsd: ;
@Gargron Don't undersell yourself!
While I might disagree with you on certain topics or decisions, I value your integrity.
You defend what you stand for - and that's a good thing.
Regardless, I can fully understand your motivation behind this decision and respect and support it.
by Thoralf Will 🇺🇦🇮🇱 ;
@Gargron You've done an amazing job, especially not to sell out. Thank you! But you're right to make this change and settle into a role that suits you better. I hope your physical and mental health quickly improve as a result.
by glyn ;
@Gargron the fact that you consider yourself an "introvert" is very likely what made you sensible enough to direct the ethics of this platform towards F/LOSS. that is an asset of yours, not a flaw. I respect you and thank you for that. :love:
Fare thee well ☀️
by ϙ ;
@Gargron I know how you feel. You’re doing the right thing, and you have created something immensely valuable!
by Mr Lawrence ;
IDK, just imagine what the likes of Musk or Zuk would have done as CEOs of Mastodon!
by Acesabe ;
@Gargron It's hard to give up the reins, but often it's necessary for a passion startup to become a sustainable operation. I'm hopeful for Mastodon's future and grateful for your willingness to take this step. Thank you!
by Bill, organizer of stuff ;
@Gargron My hero. One of us, one of us!
by arialdo ;
@Gargron You are the best CEO, I can imagine. The dedication to this idea, that came to my ears in 2017, the sparkle you created, that we all can create a new social web together, the trust you built over all this years by not being an asshole (at least I never heard that) and now the person that can let go. It’s like a Disney movie without the drama. And then you created a Plushtodon, that’s just there for hugging. It’s so good. Thank you. And let’s go the next steps! 💜
by Sascha Foerster :bonndigital: ;
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Staff Chief of Joints
How do I apply for the job of Chief Shitposting Officer?
Mentions: @Gargron@mastodon.social
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Kristoffer Lawson
@Gargron an incredibly astute decision. Being a CEO can be horrendously stressful. Doubly so for something that has gone through such remarkable developments as #Mastodon. Being close to the product is a great place to be, and can offer personal growth opportunities to work with a CEO closely.
You will both have to learn to trust one another as partners. A good CEO will understand that and be part of that evolution.
Remember you are the founder. That is forever a special role.
Tags: #mastodon
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@Gargron I can only imagine how difficult this must be on an emotional level. But I believe it’s the right move.
Founding a project, and driving it to a certain level of success, takes one set of skills.
Transforming it into an institution that can function independently of its founder requires quite another set of skills. Few people can do both.
Much respect for finding the strength to let go; and for putting your health and wellbeing first.
Thank you for your work!
Mentions: @Gargron@mastodon.social
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✦ Velvet Strawberry ✦
🥺 Oh no...
Thank you for everything! Let's hope the next CEO will be as good as you. 🌟
Maybe you don't have a high opinion about yourself as CEO as you said, but maybe being humble is what made you admirable. 🎖️
You are what Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk will NEVER be 😊
Mentions: @Gargron@mastodon.social @Gargron@mastodon.social
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Dominic :verified:
@Gargron I hope you enjoy the next things you want to do.
Mentions: @Gargron@mastodon.social
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Drip drip drip…
I respect your decision and honestly support it fully but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE choose well this new CEO because this person needs to listen to the user who have supported #Mastodon and the #Fediverse
Tags: #mastodon #fediverse
Mentions: @Gargron@mastodon.social
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M. Grégoire
@Gargron It's good to know your strengths and interests, and to choose to work on what makes you happiest.
Mentions: @Gargron@mastodon.social
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Rob C 🐳
@Gargron I think you’ve been great and deserve a lot of credit for what you (and the team) have built. Super happy to see the announcement this week and wish you all the best.
Mentions: @Gargron@mastodon.social
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