Sascha Foerster :bonndigital:
Contacting Sascha Foerster :bonndigital:
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Sascha Foerster :bonndigital:'s Bio
Sascha Foerster ist :bonndigital: @bonndigital Geschäftsführer, :barcampbonn: @barcampbonn Organisator und :bonnsocial: @bonnsocial Admin. :verified:
Sascha Foerster :bonndigital:'s Posts
Sascha Foerster :bonndigital: has 1 posts.
Sascha Foerster :bonndigital:
@Gargron You are the best CEO, I can imagine. The dedication to this idea, that came to my ears in 2017, the sparkle you created, that we all can create a new social web together, the trust you built over all this years by not being an asshole (at least I never heard that) and now the person that can let go. It’s like a Disney movie without the drama. And then you created a Plushtodon, that’s just there for hugging. It’s so good. Thank you. And let’s go the next steps! 💜
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