M. Grégoire

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ingénieur, tory canadien, citoyen du Grand Montréal

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M. Grégoire has 1 posts.

M. Grégoire

I watched the video today regarding Meta's moderation policies. It confirms my preference for the Fediverse.

There are difficult free speech issues: Should vile speech attacking groups be permitted? Lies? What about quoting liars? Libel? Shocking images? Blasphemy? Insults? Doxxing?

The truth is that there's no one policy that is appropriate for all situations. The right approach is to have many communities, each with its own rules, and a protocol to connect them.

Tags: #markzuckerberg #markzuckerberg #markzuckerberg #markzuckerberg #markzuckerberg #markzuckerberg #markzuckerberg #markzuckerberg #markzuckerberg #markzuckerberg

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