No widespread power outages at the moment, but in case anyone needs it, setting up a tent INSIDE your house is an effective way to stay warm in cold weather + power outage. Stuff a few pets in there with you and sleeping bags and you'll be happy. #random #SurvivalTips
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Jim Hubbell
I tried to tell my family my skills at building forts with couch cushions was simple preparedness training.
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@ai6yr But do NOT use your bbq indoors. :)
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Support the Resistance
@ai6yr Another idea that sounds too basic, but lots of folks don't think about it - put a rolled towel or blanket at the bottom of all doors that lead outside. Do the same along window sills. If you light a wood burning fireplace, please check the damper and make sure it's open and on the flip side, if you're not using a fireplace, make sure the damper is closed. Don't burn chemically treated lumber in place of firewood.
Stay safe.
@PattyHanson @ai6yr Closing curtains can keep in heat, too.
by Samhain Night ;
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It might be a 3 dog night! But I have 2 cats.
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billy joe bowers - hates nazis
I mean, this sounds nice anyway.
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J. Steven York RESISTS
Never through of this. Good idea.
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@ai6yr I always forget about that, thanks
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Samhain Night
@ai6yr Those shakey handwarmers are great too. When we had no power last winter for 2 week (was it only last winter?) my bed room was ice cold, but I wore an undershirt, shirt, sweater & sweatpants & warm hat to bed & had shakey handy warmers in either pocket & was warm & cozy.
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Lee from Colorado
@ai6yr We lived in a *very* cold house in Boulder CO back in the day. One of those group houses "on the hill" (college section of town).
It was a great day when we set up the dome tent in our bedroom and heated it with an incandescent lamp. Plus we put stick-on glow-in-the-dark stars and planets on the inside of the tent so we got a light show every night after we turned out the light.
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okanogen TheEnemyFromWithin
Honestly, usually think I'm pretty smart about these things, but this is really smart.
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okanogen TheEnemyFromWithin
Our furnace is old and dying and isnt keeping up with the -18/-35 temps. Was down to 54 inside, still not that bad, but... Anyway, we have a fireplace and several hours of good blazes brought it up to 64.
@Okanogen Brrrrr!!
by AI6YR Ben ;
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@ai6yr (done that) great tip!
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@ai6yr Just wait till Canada kills the switch:)
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Shaula Evans
@ai6yr I have a bed tent that I sleep in anyway to stay warm and cozy in winter. I recommend them for anyone who gets cold at night, needs to block out light, and/or likes to be in small spaces.
I live alone so I got a floorless tent so I could set it up myself -- my mattress is way too heavy to lift.
I have absolutely taken refuge in it in extra cold weather.
it also functions as a clean room with an added air purifier on bad air quality days, too.
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