Support the Resistance

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Retired ophthalmic clinic and surgical technician. Mother of 3, grandmother of 5. Las Vegas desert dweller. advocate. Enjoy reading crime and mystery novels. . There's nothing much better to eat than a perfectly cooked steak or biscuits and gravy. Being is free

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@samhainnight @ai6yr That is true. Shutting doors to rooms not being used.

I lived in Alaska for 16 years so I have all kinds of ideas about staying warm. 😂


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@ai6yr Another idea that sounds too basic, but lots of folks don't think about it - put a rolled towel or blanket at the bottom of all doors that lead outside. Do the same along window sills. If you light a wood burning fireplace, please check the damper and make sure it's open and on the flip side, if you're not using a fireplace, make sure the damper is closed. Don't burn chemically treated lumber in place of firewood.

Stay safe.

@PattyHanson @ai6yr Closing curtains can keep in heat, too.

by Samhain Night ;


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@ChrisMayLA6 I'm 71. I have 3 kids who, between them, have 5 kids, aged 8 to 28. Neither of my grandkids of childbearing age have kids. 1 of my kids has 4, 1 has 1 & 1 has none. My kids ages are 39-47.

I may be different but it never occurred to me to *plan* on 1 or all of my kids caring for me in my old age. In conversations with them, they aren't counting on their own kids to care for them.

Capitalists want more people to become workers. Their interest isn't social.


err... I was merely observing that a world made up of more single people might look rather different, yes there may be inter-generational care issues, but also issues of how we work together to ensure the older of us are either cared for or supported.... by all means look at through the lens of capitalism, but the issues will remain as society's demography changes.

If you are receiving a state (or private) pension, the young are supporting you....

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;


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