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old bean, nb, andro expired, any, it dinosaur
us, pnw, gmt-8

xmpp: dibi58@jabber.fr

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@ comments @ in that format, are my opinion ;-)

if i can not read your profile posts ill certainly wont accept your follow request

dont ask "why a dm" when i dm a post not cwd for dms (no dm or such,) if you dont like dms, block me first, and sayonara

dibi58's Posts

dibi58 has 852 posts.

Official Kakistocracy Jester 🪓

dibi58 Boosted

I’m genuinely curious.

In your mind, which was the darker day?

@OGjester the darkest day was November 4, 1980

by Jackie 🌹 ;

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Jackie 🌹

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dibi58 Boosted

@OGjester the darkest day was November 4, 1980

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Crazy Bosses: Fully Revised and Updated (stanley bing)

consult the manual ^^^ ...


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L’Ucraina chiude il gas: l’unica salvezza è ricostruire l’economia europea sulla base di risorse europee

... il sole e il vento saranno ancora attorno per tanto tempo ...

... e se l' auto rifiuta di vendere kits di conversione, quando falliscono si andra' in bicicletta, elettrica ...


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dibi58 Boosted

Never in my life will I be able to
understand why the world has allowed 77 years of this



Tags: #gaza #Palestine #syria #lebanon #genocide #geopolitics

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crows call me breadlady

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dibi58 Boosted

my hand slipped and i got it down to 50kb over the wire

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Etienne / Tek

dibi58 Boosted

Hands U.S. Authorities Data on Thousands of Users

It is time to get the latest Telegram number, so Mastodon, I need your help! If you have Telegram, please contact the Telegram transparency bot t.me/transparency and get data for your country. Please share a screenshot here or as an issue there github.com/Te-k/telegram-trans
Please retoot!

by Etienne / Tek ;

Tags: #telegram

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Etienne / Tek

In response to this post
dibi58 Boosted

It is time to get the latest Telegram number, so Mastodon, I need your help! If you have Telegram, please contact the Telegram transparency bot t.me/transparency and get data for your country. Please share a screenshot here or as an issue there github.com/Te-k/telegram-trans
Please retoot!

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dibi58 Boosted

Resistance does not have to look like frontal assault. You might last longer and do more good by lying low. Resistance can look like feigned ineptitude, slow-walking, quiet sabotage, demoralization, or doing nothing at all. The below link is part of the heroic story of Tulle, in la Corrèze, during WW2. That is real heroism, not the glam stuff of cinema. They hanged their sons and fathers from the balconies. So they ripped off the balconies, and kept sabotaging the Reich.


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dibi58 Boosted




Tags: #gaza #Palestine #syria #ireland #lebanon #genocide #geopolitics

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dibi58 Boosted

Before you ask AI to write you some Bash and execute it with sudo, take a moment to remember the last AI instructions you saw.

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Preston von Gabbleduck

dibi58 Boosted

Reminder that conservatives love to use (and love you to use) the word 'woke' because if we use the real word they mean (empathy), they'll sound like the douchebags they are.

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Geri ❤️

dibi58 Boosted

Contact your MP and get them to support the Climate and Nature Bill

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dibi58 Boosted

Zulip has a new mobile app in beta! We’ve built it from scratch over the past year+, using Flutter. It’s faster and smoother, with a fresh new design. If you use Zulip on mobile, please try making the switch and let us know what you think! blog.zulip.com/2024/12/12/new-

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dibi58 Boosted

How do you make reviewing pull requests a better experience? Invest in teaching communication skills. A new blog post on @opensourcenet dives deep into the “why” and “how”, drawing on experience from the Zulip community. opensource.net/simplify-pull-r

Tags: #oss

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dibi58 Boosted

Fourteen days until the US goes full fascist, reliving four years ago won't achieve much. Not when fighting it in the now is so critical.

Boycott every business funding the new Nuremberg Rally in a fortnight's time. Boycott America.

Tags: #uspol #boycottamerica

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Nikov ☭ 🇵🇸 🇱🇧 🇾🇪

dibi58 Boosted

Según los medios de mierda, el problema de los microplásticos es de salud, no que retrata fielmente el nivel de contaminación que surge como resultado del capitalismo explotador de personas y de recursos, al que se la suda contaminar cualquier medio.

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dibi58 Boosted

Como Isabel es tonta, no se enteraba de lo q hacía su hermano, su novio, ni porqué Quirón le dio esos pelotazos al novio. No sabe ni quien pago el piso donde duerme

Novios, amigos y pelotazos en mascarillas: 2025 judicial empieza mal para Ayuso y el PP


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Dr. Lucky Tran :verified:

dibi58 Boosted

Health officials downplayed COVID risk by overemphasizing "underlying health conditions," leading many to drop their guard prematurely.

Most people have "underlying health conditions." Anyone can be vulnerable. Everyone should take precautions.

It's malpractice that they are minimizing bird flu the same way.

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dibi58 Boosted


"I think once you get outside of the West, almost everybody thinks that the United States and the Europeans are morally bankrupt.




Tags: #eu #usa #gaza #Palestine #syria #iran #lebanon #genocide #geopolitics #africa #BlackMastodon #democracy #sovereignty #socialmedia #media #SocialWork

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