Jackie 🌹

burnoutqueen's pfp

Contacting Jackie 🌹

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Jackie 🌹's Information

Jackie 🌹's Bio

Debian enthusiast and technician class ham
Proud democratic socialist and DSA member
Anti-Stalinist and Pro-Marxist
Pro-Gaza and antifascist rabblerouser
Red dot in a Brown sea
Yankee (unfortunately)

Jackie 🌹's Posts

Jackie 🌹 has 6 posts.

Jackie 🌹

uspol Biden, Carter

@smitten Joe Biden, America's Hindenburg

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Jackie 🌹

@RoundSparrow It is really not tech that is the problem. I use the internet to help myself learn new topics and skills, as an example. I also write computer programs and take great joy in them.

The problem is CAPITALISM. The corpos who control the technology and use it for their own cancerous, expansionary ends should gather your ire, not the machines themselves.

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Jackie 🌹


Time for me to edit Wikipedia

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Jackie 🌹

@Gargron the chuds are upset waah waah

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Jackie 🌹

In response to this post

@OGjester the darkest day was November 4, 1980

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Jackie 🌹

@jasmine before I realized, I really didn't have any exposure to trans people whatsoever. It took someone I knew coming out for me to even realize trans people exist.

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