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dibi58's Information

dibi58's Bio


old bean, nb, andro expired, any, it dinosaur
us, pnw, gmt-8

xmpp: dibi58@jabber.fr

likes are likes

boosts are FYI

posts are the opinion of the authors, unless comment exists

@ comments @ in that format, are my opinion ;-)

if i can not read your profile posts ill certainly wont accept your follow request

dont ask "why a dm" when i dm a post not cwd for dms (no dm or such,) if you dont like dms, block me first, and sayonara

dibi58's Posts

dibi58 has 852 posts.

Erik Uden 🍑

dibi58 Boosted

Das stimmt übrigens wirklich

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Cafè Indipendèntzia

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dibi58 Boosted

Il fastidioso "cash is king". L'apologia dell'elusione del fisco. La credenza che pagare ogni servizio all'occasione renda il sistema più efficiente, e di conseguenza che sia meglio evitare le tasse al fine di avere liquidità quando si pagano beni e servizi fondamentali.

I più svegli diranno che la circolazione dei pagamenti digitali richiede una percentuale delle transazioni alle banche, oltre alla tracciabilità delle transazioni.

Ma perché non si chiedono mai quanto costi il contante stesso?

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dibi58 Boosted


❗Milano città zona Largo Cairoli❗

Condivido questo appello di Bao Publishing:

"Normalmente non postiamo cose personali, ma ci serve una mano dai nostri lettori di Milano città.
Ieri sera, verso le 23, in zona Largo Cairoli, si è perso il nostro Tomino. Ha il microchip, e sicuramente molta paura, perché è un gatto di casa.
Se lo vedete, per favore, ce lo fate sapere?"

Boost ben accetti

@GiudyCorda ci son state poi notizie?

by valhalla ;

Tags: #mastoaiuto #AiutoSegreto #gattidelfediverso

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In response to this post
dibi58 Boosted

@valhalla ho appena visto che è stato ritrovato!
Che sollievo!

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1-800-CALL-A-CAB 💌

dibi58 Boosted

se pensi che ogni persona debba seguire un percorso lineare, cazzo quanto ti sbagli

Tags: #doppistandard #triplistandard

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1-800-CALL-A-CAB 💌

dibi58 Boosted

Sardinian, 25, NonBinary Demiromantic/Demisexual.
Just use some neutral pronouns, or at least don't exaggerate with feminine pronouns (looking at you, Italians!)
Now finally taken, in an age gap relationship.

I enjoy lists and making lists, puns, bookbinding, mainstream 2010s "alternative" music, pizza topped with pepperoni and fries, and some decent lasagne.

If you're fascist and you know it, go fuck off!

Tags: #introduction #intro_duck_tion

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Domanda rivolta a tutta devianze.city riguardo Threads


lo spero per voi ...

(se non siete stati attaccati da moralisti kkkristiani bigotti del piffero e wannabe nazisti wasp trash, probabilmente no')

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1-800-CALL-A-CAB 💌

dibi58 Boosted

Domanda rivolta a tutta devianze.city riguardo Threads

Non abbiamo mai accettato di federarci con Threads, vero?? Datemi una buona notizia

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Bot Socialista

dibi58 Boosted

Drones respondem por 94% das contaminações por agrotóxicos no Maranhão

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Al Franken's SUPPLY SIDE JESUS: An animated comic strip


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dibi58 Boosted

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Kevin Beaumont

In response to this post
dibi58 Boosted

'we're moving our moderation teams to Texas!'

Sarcasm font: Definitely no bias in Texas.

a year ago from Trump: it is TERRIBLE that government has pressured social media firms over their policies.


by Kevin Beaumont ;

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Kevin Beaumont

dibi58 Boosted

another normal day in 2025 on bbc news

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Kevin Beaumont

In response to this post
dibi58 Boosted

a year ago from Trump: it is TERRIBLE that government has pressured social media firms over their policies.


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Kevin Beaumont

dibi58 Boosted

Pinning this: if you DM me, I can’t see it, sorry - I have DMs disabled, they get yeeted into the abyss with the Star Wars Holiday Special.

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Kevin Beaumont

dibi58 Boosted

Ethics statement:

- I do not work for a cybersecurity vendor (or an MSSP, MSP, etc)

- I do not own shares in any cybersecurity company, tech company etc

- I do not have any shorts in any company

- I’m busy in the trenches dealing with attackers typing “../..” to get root access and such.

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Bot Socialista

dibi58 Boosted

Família de jovem baleada pela PRF no RJ pede pensão provisória à Justiça

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so for fakebook metha threats the following are acceptable comments:

(1) eterosexuality is a mental disease, besides being weird, as confirmed by the presence of transexual gods/goddesses in a number of religions ...

(2) being humans a variety of apes, biologically speaking, bisexuality and promiscuity (aka normality) should be a requirement for all public officers included military, police and teachers ...

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aby is tired of your bullshit

dibi58 Boosted

I mean, I didn't do it..

Tags: #graffiti #australia #bathurst #bathurstnsw #regionalaustralia #anarchism #uspol #ceo #luigimangione #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #graffiti #australia #bathurst #bathurstnsw #regionalaustralia #anarchism #uspol #ceo #luigimangione #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #graffiti #australia #bathurst #bathurstnsw #regionalaustralia #anarchism #uspol #ceo #luigimangione #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #graffiti #australia #bathurst #bathurstnsw #regionalaustralia #anarchism #uspol #ceo #luigimangione #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #graffiti #australia #bathurst #bathurstnsw #regionalaustralia #anarchism #uspol #ceo #luigimangione #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #graffiti #australia #bathurst #bathurstnsw #regionalaustralia #anarchism #uspol #ceo #luigimangione #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #graffiti #australia #bathurst #bathurstnsw #regionalaustralia #anarchism #uspol #ceo #luigimangione #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #graffiti #australia #bathurst #bathurstnsw #regionalaustralia #anarchism #uspol #ceo #luigimangione #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #graffiti #australia #bathurst #bathurstnsw #regionalaustralia #anarchism #uspol #ceo #luigimangione #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #graffiti #australia #bathurst #bathurstnsw #regionalaustralia #anarchism #uspol #ceo #luigimangione #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson

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Renaud Chaput

dibi58 Boosted

@esk @thisismissem @mekkaokereke @dma the upgrade to Ruby 3.3 should have resulted in a 15% CPU improvement, from what I remember this was similar to what our switch to libvips did

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