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old bean, nb, andro expired, any, it dinosaur
us, pnw, gmt-8
xmpp: dibi58@jabber.fr
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dibi58's Posts
dibi58 has 852 posts.
Tinker ☀️
So Richmond, Virginia USA recently lost clean water due to the winter storm.
The RVA Community Fridge network (a network of 14 Free Fridges and Community Pantries throughout Richmond) used it's free fridges as distribution nodes for emergency relief!
In one run alone, they distributed over 300 gallons of water.
In addition to addressing food security throughout the year, Free Fridges are an important part of the resiliency of a town during emergencies.
TikTok Video: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8FBRWrc/
Instagram Post: https://www.instagram.com/rvacommunityfridges/p/DEkV7k8O86g/
RVA Community Fridges Website: https://www.rvacommunityfridges.com/
#freeFridge #mutualAid #solarPunk
Tags: #freefridge #mutualaid #solarpunk
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lord pthenq1
@angelastella @Peritocaligrafo
Si. Pero formaron otra organización: El Movimiento de Paises no Alineados que hacía fuerza DENTRO de la ONU.
Acá lo que piden es otra cosa más cercanos a los libertarios (mi pais, mi decisión!) y no funciona así: Tu país, mi decisión.
Es mejorar el orden internacional, o esto, donde las líneas rojas les define el señor del sombrero.
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38C3: It’s TOSLINK, Over Long Distance Fibre
If you’ve owned a CD player or other piece of consumer digital audio gear manufactured since the 1980s, the chances are it has a TOSLINK port on the back. This is a fairly simple interface that sends I2S digital audio data down a short length of optical fibre, and it’s designed to run between something like a CD player and an external DAC. It’s ancient technology in optical fibre terms, with a lowish data rate and plastic fibre, but consider for a minute whether it could be adapted for modern ultra-high-speed conenctions. It’s what [Ben Cartwright-Cox] has done, and he delivered a talk about it at the recent 38C3 event in Germany.
if you’ve cast you eye over any fibre networking equipment recently, you’ll be familiar with SFP ports. These are a standard for plug-in fibre terminators, and they can be had in a wide variety of configurations for different speeds, topographies, and wavelengths. They’re often surprisingly simple inside, so he wondered if he could use them to carry TOSLINK instead of a more conventional network. And it worked, with the simple expedient of driving an SFP module with an LVDS driver to make a differential signal. There follows a series of experiments calling in favours from friends with data centre space in various locations around London, finally ending up with a 140 km round trip for CD-quality audio.
It’s an interesting experiment, but perhaps the most value here is in what it reveals to us about the way optical networking systems work. Most of us don’t spend our days in data centres, so that’s an interesting technology to learn about. The video of the talk itself is below the break.
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#LAFires: since MSM isn't making the connection clear, here's NOAA's explainer on how #ClimateChange is fueling wildfires (though they focus on California, it applies as underlying cause for the increased frequency and force/extent of wildfires around the globe)
Tags: #climatechange #lafires
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Facebook Censors Stories About Facebook Censorship https://www.404media.co/email/d8f4c3ab-47c8-4408-b896-8e8daf45c2e1/
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Milo Dide
Stand Strong for Climate #care2 https://www.thepetitionsite.com/tell-a-friend/74453112
Tags: #care2
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P.J. Quill
Republicans have succumbed to a culture of not accepting the outcome of fair and free elections. You cannot love your country or state only if you win.
North Carolina Supreme Court blocks certification of Democrat as winner of close high court race:
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Tony Stark
I hope President Biden is able to send federal aid to anyone affected by the California fires. One, because it’s decent and two, because Trump won’t do anything for them. Not because it’s mostly a blue area. And it’s not like there are no Republicans in LA county. But because Trump won’t help anyone anywhere ever at all. Hurricane, fire, flood. He’s not lifting a finger.
Help people if you can and be grateful to first responders.
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Dorothea Lange
Farmers. Main street in Oklahoma town. Drought region
#Oklahoma #SallisawCreek #Americans #America #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Tags: #oklahoma #sallisawcreek #americans #america #undefined #photography #dorothealange
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Chris Adams
“Meta reversed the restrictions on LGBTQ search terms after User Mag reached out for comment, saying that it was in error”
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Carolyn Barber, MD
We overscreen, overtest & overdiagnose patients & sometimes we hurt them in the process.
An analysis of 18 randzd trials (2.1M people)concluded that “current evidence does not substantiate the claim” that common #cancer screens (mammography, colonoscopy, prostate-spec Ag (PSA) testing, etc) save lives, by extending lifetimes with the possible exception of sigmoidoscopy, for colon cancer. Read that again & ck below👇.https://shorturl.at/MiArZ
If paywall, this works: https://shorturl.at/FT7si #press
I think there should also be less of a stigma on when people choose not to screen, and when the person then develops cancer, not to blame that person.
It is a risk that someone took, just like others choose to drink, or smoke, or not protect themselves against Covid.
by Another concerned scientist ;
Tags: #cancer #press
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Kim Possible
We might need #Monsterdon for snowstorm events.
Tags: #Monsterdon
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Cory Doctorow
The AI bubble is the new crypto bubble: you can tell because the same people are behind it, and they're doing the same thing with AI as they did with crypto - trying desperately to find a use case to cram it into, despite the yawning indifference and outright hostility of the users:
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Dorothea Lange
Drought refugees from Oklahoma in cotton camp near Exeter, California
#Oklahoma #Exeter #California #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Tags: #oklahoma #exeter #california #undefined #photography #dorothealange
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Chris Adams
“These days more and more British hedgehogs need rescuing. They may be covered in sharp spines, but that’s no defense against the habitat loss and fragmentation that’s primarily driving the species’ significant decline … and their spines are certainly no match for cars, another frequent killer of hedgehogs in both rural and urban areas. Although it’s difficult to glean exact numbers, scientists estimate that Britain has lost about a third of its hedgehogs since 2000.”
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Dorothea Lange
Outskirts of San Bernardino, California. A new home in California. Drought refugees from Colorado now making a new start in California. Living in Cotton Gardens.
#SanBernardino #California #Colorado #CottonGardens #America #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Tags: #sanbernardino #california #colorado #cottongardens #america #undefined #photography #dorothealange
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Dorothea Lange
Texas drought refugees in cotton camp near Exeter, California
#Texas #Exeter #California #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Tags: #texas #exeter #california #undefined #photography #dorothealange
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Mike. 🩼🇨🇦
Newfoundland & Labrador premiere calls for blood if the #US tries to invade under trump
This is all a distraction. Look at what trump is trying to distract everyone from
#Politics #CdnPoli
Tags: #us #politics #cdnpoli
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