Mike. 🩼🇨🇦
Contacting Mike. 🩼🇨🇦
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Mike. 🩼🇨🇦's Information
Mike. 🩼🇨🇦's Bio
- 43yo #GenX, Cis, Male, White, learning to disavow my prviledge since I was 14
- #Ally #Antifascist #NaziPuncher #Voter #Truth
- Into: #Politics, #Philosophy, #Cosmology, #Science (as #Religion), #Music, #Records (expert of none of these)
- #ActuallyAutistic (#ADHD, #OCD, etc)
- #Disabled #ChronicPain #ChronicAnxiety due to a workplace injury, other #ChronicPain since birth
- MASSIVE supporter of the #Boycott
- Southern Ontario Farm Life, Canadian thru-and-thru
- On Fedi since Jan 2023
Mike. 🩼🇨🇦's Posts
Mike. 🩼🇨🇦 has 2 posts.
Mike. 🩼🇨🇦
Newfoundland & Labrador premiere calls for blood if the #US tries to invade under trump
This is all a distraction. Look at what trump is trying to distract everyone from
#Politics #CdnPoli
Tags: #us #politics #cdnpoli
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Boosts: 1
Mike. 🩼🇨🇦
Things are getting worse
"The Republican majority on the North Carolina Supreme Court on Tuesday temporarily blocked the state election board from certifying the victory of one of the court’s own members—Democratic Justice Allison Riggs. In doing so, the state’s highest court laid the groundwork for potentially overturning the election and handing the seat to Riggs’ GOP challenger."
Tags: #politics
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Boosts: 1