Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck

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I've been preparing for the since 1994 when the local fire chief said "We won't be coming to help you". The is overdue for The Big Oneā„¢.

I've been expecting the . What I did not expect was for public organizations (I'm looking at you CDC) to throw their hands up and give up on the public. I didn't expect the public to go so willingly either.

It shouldn't be this hard to keep up on the data just to stay alive. I'm weary but I won't stop.

Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck's Posts

Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck has 2 posts.

Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck

Wow. Just wow.

Hi Aaron,
..I'm very excited for our summer expedition. However.. I read a substack by Nate Bear.. that detailed a outbreak on an arctic circle trip last summer.. sounded really, really rough.. I was just wondering if you could detail what covid.. precautions will be in place for this summer's sailing?
Thanks so much, Aaron. Really appreciate it!
Happy holidays,

His response:

Fuck off Dr. Kreuter.


Tags: #COVID

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Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck

Oh boy.

First Human Death from Reported in Louisiana

Yes, they're quick to comfort you with the fact that the deceased was old & sick... Oh sorry, "over 65 & had underlying medical issues"


Remember when they emphasized that about so they sent kids back to school & that continues to keep Covid going strong & how *surprise* a lot of college kids now have ? Yeah? Ok good. Keep remembering as this potentially becomes a pandemic.

Tags: #h5n1 #birdflu #COVID #longcovid

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