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From the Netherlands 🇳🇱

Social media needs to be fun, safe and secure again. Our team and I are working hard to keep that possible here for you♥️

Don’t forget: questions or any other chitchat are always welcome, we are on a social platform after all!

I love you all, purrr....

Keep riding on Patrick :RideBikes:
a🕯️for Lorenz, Sascha & Maxim🖤

stux⚡'s Posts

stux⚡ has 131 posts.


@Chromino Yes, we are going to

Give me a little time to prepare, ill post about it later 😉

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@socprof I do not sorry! :sad_cat:

I tried Friendica but it's not really for me :catblush:

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@MisterMoo I also kinda love it :blobcatgiggle:

It's even better then with the insta part plus it has the .social TLD :ed_grin:

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@kenney those blobs are resilient oof :blobcatgiggle: :blobcatgamer: (MTQ6MDowLzA6MDowLzc6MDowLzA6MDowLzE0OjA6MC8wOjA6MC8wOjA6LTUvfDA6Ny8xOjAvMjowLzM6MC80OjAv)

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@ujeenator I have accounts on all my servers ofc but post the post on this :blobcatgiggle:

I don't have that much content to post to all accounts 😇

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@cifvts :blobcatgiggle: drip drip beep boop

We can almost record a song with his things

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@admin_backup @gevoel saaame! We costs a load

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@gevoel @admin_backup Haha even for looking at them funny, the invoice is on the way!

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If anyone is still looking for a instance, we also run 2 ❤️

No need for Instacrap :insta: :no:

Tags: #Pixelfed

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@admin_backup ghehe :blobcatgiggle:

Is reality even rea?! woahahah

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The upcoming president for the "world's leading country" does not even know where rain comes from :amaze: No, it's not the "heavens"

No, I'm not joking.. I wish

The only joker here is Trumpet itself

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Randahl Fink

stux⚡ Boosted

Today I have signed @everton137 ‘s petition encouraging European politicians to abandon Elon Musk’s misinformation platform X.

I hope this petition gets a billion signatures.

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stux⚡ Boosted

I want to know what YOU think❤️

In the past I have held a poll asking people what they wanted on our community regarding Threads and if we should block it or let the users decide

Now with the recent bomb dropping changes coming from Meta I want to poll this again

(the following post will contain the video Mark posted about their changes.)


Do YOU think we as an instance should block Threads and all Meta related content?

This is the video Mark posted about the policy changes on Threads.

Personally I do NOT agree with this in any form. Free speech equals hate speech and is often just an excuse

But please, judge for yourself

by stux⚡ ;

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:nkoWave: Hello and a good meowing everyone! :blobcathugyou: Have a most wonderful day and stay safe! ♥️🐈

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Like these little boiis here, it’s time to get some meow meows :sleep: :stux: :nkoSleep:

Goodnight our dear friends :mastodon: :fediverse: :ablobcatheartsqueeze: :blobcathearts: :nkoWave: :blobcathugyou:

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@Kien I want to avoid ads 😉

For that to "pay" one is stuck with providers like Google with AdMob for example and personally i dislike that stuff

Trying to find other ways

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I may have an idea how I still keep my games micro-transaction and ad-free but still (hope) to earn back a little money!

Simply make a free and paid version of the game, the only difference is that the paid has more levels 🤔

So you'll still get the full game for free but buy the paid version for additional levels

Or just buy directly from in-app but meh..

I know people are playing this on phones that costs hundreds of dollars but I still feel dirty asking 99 cents for it lol!

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@kinkkong I think we both know 😉

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@lauren The problem is that i can get a running build somehow, when i export and share an APK, the error logs are "android" related and not from UE

To send out a build that actually works i need to know what's keeping it directly from the engine

Unfort simulators also don't work directly

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@lauren I know, I know :sad_cat:

We tried shipping an Android device from the US but the shipping costs would be over 100 bucks, plus import etc

So i gotta save up to buy an device first sorry ❤️

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