Contacting dibi58
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old bean, nb, andro expired, any, it dinosaur
us, pnw, gmt-8
xmpp: dibi58@jabber.fr
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dibi58's Posts
dibi58 has 852 posts.
Is Musk really engineering a new world order in cahoots with Putin? Sounds a bit 4D chess. I assume he’s ultimately steered by clicks and the dynamics of soc med and news.
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Kim Possible
Big Pharma: Okay, Team, we need ideas about how to improve our migraine meds.
Employee 1: Lower the price?
BP: ha, no.
E2: More TV ads?
BP: I like the way you think, um, I wanna say Chad. Todd, Kyle?
E2: It's ED!
BP: That's another product line. Try to focus, Lyle. Anyone else?
E3: Make the packaging harder to get into?
BP: Fantastic idea, Fawn, Bambi, Bubbles, whatever your name is. We'll do it!
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Amazonie : le Crédit agricole s’enrichit avec le sale business du gaz au Pérou
"Le groupe bancaire français détient 240 millions d’euros dans Repsol, une multinationale qui produit du gaz dans l’Amazonie péruvienne, et en tire d’importants profits, révèle Disclose, en partenariat avec RFI et France 24. D’après notre enquête sur place, la firme gazière est responsable de nombreuses
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Vente d’armes : la honte française
"La France a exporté pour « plus de 18 milliards d’euros » l’année dernière, faisant de 2024 « la deuxième meilleure année de notre histoire », dixit fièrement début janvier 2025 le ministre des Armées Sébastien Lecornu. Sur ce total, « près de 10 milliards concernent des plateformes-phares comme les …
L’article Vente d’armes : la honte française est apparu en premier sur Le Libertaire."
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Nonya Bidniss :CIAverified:
How Hitler Dismantled a Democracy in 53 Days:
He used the constitution to shatter the constitution.
By Timothy W. Ryback
“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the means to its own destruction.”
-- Joseph Goebbels
#fascism #democracy #Hitler #Nazis #Trump
Original: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/01/hitler-germany-constitution-authoritarianism/681233/
No paywall archive link: https://archive.is/22fpW
Tags: #fascism #democracy #hitler #nazis #trump
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Deschamps quittera l’équipe de France après le Mondial, Zidane “proche d’accomplir son rêve”
"Didier Deschamps ne prolongera pas son bail avec les Bleus au-delà de la Coupe du monde 2026. Tous les regards, à commencer par ceux de la presse étrangère, se tournent désormais vers Zinédine Zidane, le successeur espéré."
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Paul H
Found elsewhere / Not mine / etc. ...
... But I had to share
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josh :veri:
instead of fedi gonna start calling it the verse
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The special relativity of doomscrolling.
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Julia Evans
dibi58 Boosted
also love how this podcast is talking about how important it is to be able to play/explore/break things in order to learn and how that can be harder for folks who literally can't afford to break their computer https://www.changetechnically.fyi/
she talks about modelling breaking stuff on her computer and showing what that looks like and how it's often not a big deal
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Julia Evans
I don't know if it's possible to get a good answer to this but: if you learned how to make websites with, like, users who can login and do things where the website stores stuff in a database, without doing it as a job, how did you do it?
I feel like in principle I know all of the basic pieces (HTTP, HTML, CSS, SQL, CORS, various programming languages, etc), but also somehow it still feels extremely hard to me
(no more replies please there are enough)
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猫猫 :verifiedsabakan: :antifa:
:neocat_think_googly_woozy: don't know what i should fetch tho
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The end of an era.
Finally let my Perl 5 reference book go to paper recycling.
Thanks for years of service.
And thank you to Kirrily Robert (don't know current name) for giving it to me in 2000 or so. It really made a difference to me, who still wasn't quite used to `man` and `perldoc`.
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Hefty $90,000 bill for beached yacht excavation | Newcastle Weekly
Tags: #australia
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Miro Collas
No food, no sleep, no hope in Gaza | Israel-Palestine conflict | Al Jazeera
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
Tags: #Palestine #gaza #israel
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Petro Government in Colombia Confronts Lawfare, Alvaro Uribe and US Intervention
"President Gustavo Petro’s Historic Pact government, in power since 2022, is a first in Colombia’s history. No other party ever aspired to serve all Colombians. Its existence depends on push-back against Colombia’s peculiar mix of corporations, big landowners, financial moguls, and
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@jones_ anni fa una cosa simile è capitata ad un amico di mio nipote: inseguito alla stessa maniera. Per fortuna era da solo, non ha perso il casco, non è caduto ed è riuscito a seminarli o ad un certo punto si son stufati loro...insomma, è andata bene.
Altri psicopatici? Mi sembra ci sia un numero preoccupante di bande di gente disturbata e pericolosa con licenza di fare il cazzo che vogliono...allo scopo di proteggerci naturalmente [inserire emoticon sarcastica di propria scelta].
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LA Sunset Fire sparks evacuation orders in Hollywood for 100,000 https://www.axios.com/2025/01/09/la-sunset-fire-hollywood-evacuation-orders
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