
PaulWay's pfp

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PaulWay's Information

PaulWay's Bio

I'm a six foot tall ape descendant in Canberra, Ngunnwal/Ngambri country. I work for a tech company, mainly in Python and on Linux. In my spare time I read, turn wood, go for walks, play with technology, 3D print, play keyboards with friends, and ride a motorbike. At of this post, no-one is currently trying to drive a bypass through my home...

PaulWay's Posts

PaulWay has 1 posts.


The end of an era.

Finally let my Perl 5 reference book go to paper recycling.

Thanks for years of service.

And thank you to Kirrily Robert (don't know current name) for giving it to me in 2000 or so. It really made a difference to me, who still wasn't quite used to `man` and `perldoc`.

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