Contacting dibi58
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dibi58's Information
dibi58's Bio
old bean, nb, andro expired, any, it dinosaur
us, pnw, gmt-8
xmpp: dibi58@jabber.fr
likes are likes
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posts are the opinion of the authors, unless comment exists
@ comments @ in that format, are my opinion ;-)
if i can not read your profile posts ill certainly wont accept your follow request
dont ask "why a dm" when i dm a post not cwd for dms (no dm or such,) if you dont like dms, block me first, and sayonara
dibi58's Posts
dibi58 has 903 posts.
Andrew Jennings
#travel #camping #victoria I checked my favourite towns and they all have powered/unpowered camping spots available at reasonable prices. Try Mortlake, Rochester or Kyabram.
Tags: #travel #camping #victoria
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A crise ecológica não pode ser dissociada da questão agrária
"O desenvolvimento do capitalismo nas últimas décadas nos levou a uma crise ecológica sem precedentes. Se o caminho de destruição da natureza não for revertido, a humanidade e a maior parte das formas de vida que conhecemos podem desaparecer do planeta Terra, em um fenômeno que é conhecido como “A Grande Extinção”, comparável à que extinguiu os
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Malte Engeler
Plato schrieb mal, dass ein gerechte Gesellschaft sich dadurch auszeichnet, dass die Reichen nicht mehr als das Vierfache dessen besitzen, was die Ärmsten haben. Was die Linke hier fordert, ist also ziemlich großzügig.
Liebe Reiche: Greift zu, solange der Deal noch so gut ist.
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1) got a date for probably the most important test I've taken in my life. Anxiety is at maximum. This is good... But also terrifying.
2) I have good support around me
3) short stories
Tags: #3goodthings
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i saw this and was like "holy shit trans balatro"
RE: https://misskey.design/notes/a2obq0l3nqjd0bqh
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#Carter #politics #climate
Tags: #carter #politics #climate
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Really nice visit with my parents.
My mom’s pasta sauce (properly referred to as “the gravy”) and everything that went with it.
Video call with my brother and nephew
Tags: #3goodthings
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Tanya McGee Wheatley 💜🥰
Good night! #3GoodThings
1. All my clothing in the wardrobe is labeled! 🙌🏻
2. I finished the prologue of one of the next Braille books I’m reading.
3. So far, Louisville, KY has seen 7.7 inches of snow. The freezing rain has started and we still have power. 🤞🏻 it doesn’t go out even though we are ready if it does.
May your sleep be warm and safe and your dreams take you to the stars! 🤗🫶❤️🫂 #GoodNight #Braille #WinterStorm2025
Tags: #3goodthings #goodnight #Braille #winterstorm2025
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dibi58 Boosted
@juc Mi dicono che ha i suoi momenti ma che è una grande occasione mancata, in molti modi. Peccato. Se non hai ancora giusto giocato a Baldur's Gate III ti consiglio di buttarti su quello. Larian ha fatto quello che Bioware (forse più per colpa di EA, i maledetti) non sa più fare.
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Bích-Mây Nguyễn :verified:
"MD Anderson is one of the best cancer centers in the nation, offering cutting-edge treatments that attract patients from around the world. But that treatment is likely out of reach for millions of people covered by health insurance plans through the Affordable Care Act.
MD Anderson for years has not accepted any individual health plans offered through the Affordable Care Act marketplace..."
It's not just insurance companies.
🎁: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/health/article/md-anderson-affordable-care-act-insurance-19964974.php?utm_source=marketing&utm_medium=copy-url-link&utm_campaign=article-share&hash=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaG91c3RvbmNocm9uaWNsZS5jb20vbmV3cy9ob3VzdG9uLXRleGFzL2hlYWx0aC9hcnRpY2xlL21kLWFuZGVyc29uLWFmZm9yZGFibGUtY2FyZS1hY3QtaW5zdXJhbmNlLTE5OTY0OTc0LnBocA%3D%3D&time=MTczNjA5NDMyOTIzOA%3D%3D&rid=MDcyMjg5MTAtNzRlYS00OGUyLTlmODQtNjI5ZTE0Zjg0MzRi&sharecount=NA%3D%3D
#healthcare #insurance #hospitals
Tags: #healthcare #insurance #hospitals
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dibi58 Boosted
"A Los Angeles man said he recently missed his flight home after getting trapped on his way to the airport in a Waymo that wouldn’t stop making circles in a parking lot. ...“I got a flight to catch. Why is this thing going in a circle? I’m getting dizzy,” Johns said. “It’s circling around a parking lot. I got my seat belt on. I can’t get out of the car. Has this been hacked? What’s going on? I feel like I’m in the movies. Is somebody playing a joke on me?”
😂 #waymo #trapped #robots #AIpocalpyse #robotuprising
Tags: #waymo #trapped #robots #aipocalpyse #robotuprising
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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial
just finished watching this lecture and holy crap I actually understand the fundamentals of Galois field arithmetic now, at least sufficiently for most cryptographic use. such a fantastic presentation that doesn't really expect any maths knowledge beyond fundamental algebra and integer modulo arithmetic.
if you choose to watch this, I highly recommend keeping a set of notes along the way - I found that it really aided my comprehension and retention of the details.
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I think the appealing thing about the universe of Dune is 10,000 years of no IT problems whatsoever.
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Matthew Cave ⚾
We had no idea “Democracy Dies in Darkness” was a mission statement.
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Attiny85 game console hardware troubleshooting - Unbelievably, it does work. Macro photo for your entertainment and to document the ridiculous troubleshooting journey I took. #hardware #attiny85 #electronics
Tags: #hardware #attiny85 #electronics
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Matt Blaze
Please remember that if I block you, the only explanation is that it's because I'm so intimidated by your superior intellect and good looks that my fragile ego can't withstand further exposure to your devastatingly potent posts. That's the only thing it could be.
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Nullstring 🏴☠️
california seems nice but the weed gummies are super weak. but they have strawberry cough so evens out.
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Carolyn Barber, MD
26yo nurse arrested in VA after several NICU babies found with mysterious injuries & bone fractures, police say.
#press #abuse
Tags: #press #abuse
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