@Exilsarahl I'm playing that by ear at the moment, and post endometriosis/intersex diagnosis everything is revolving around getting endogenous levels down (currently trying to *block* E at least, and my bod is arguing against the idea. Which is amusing but also not).
I'd have said forever, but health side effects are the controlling thing just atm.
@NanoRaptor congrats. So, because we are of similar age I have a question which might be of interest for some of our sisters as well. Do you have an idea or plan for how long you're going to do HRT? I once asked Lynn Conway about this but forgot her answer. My intention is until I'm 6ft under, but no idea if this makes sense.
@SolraBizna@hackbroetchen these last couple of weeks with barely any has at least helped show physiological dependence ain't there - I tend to do weekends off. The 'so addictive i keep forgetting to take them' rings very true.
Tried to make a booking this morning and dialed the place three times in the calculator app.
Which reminded me, at 11am, that I'd also forgotten this morning's dose.
(choosing, always, to see the amusing, and i don't need to be fully functional until back to work Mon)
@NanoRaptor are you sure it was that bad before starting to take ADHD meds? One of the reasons that I'm hesitating to start taking my medication is that I'm afraid that I won't function without them at some point. There are studies that support that fear.
@hackbroetchen Gods yes. I hadn't realised just how bad I was (beforehand) until I started diarising my experiences in the months before medication - I had to do that before being prescribed so that I had a baseline to look back at.
It was just as chaotic once I consciously looked for how I acted. And funny. And awful. And angering.
That I'd gone so long this bad, without being so fully aware.
Nanoraptor's Posts
Nanoraptor has 36 posts.
@nlarson830 yeah if you had to name it anything that’s the one that both suits and doesn’t.
Mentions: @nlarson830@techhub.social
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Tom Brand
Nanoraptor Boosted
@Eggfreckles NO NO NO OH GOD
by Nanoraptor ;
Mentions: @NanoRaptor@bitbang.social
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@Eggfreckles NO NO NO OH GOD
Mentions: @Eggfreckles@mastodon.mit.edu
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36 years on the internet and there's always something new to sit in my brain and know I'll never forget it.
I give you a The Rock Fidget Slug.
Incidentally and of course entirely unrelated, I think The Rock should be in Dune 3 or 4.
@NanoRaptor as the worm?
by Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤 ;
@NanoRaptor I'm not sure I would want to be seen fidgeting with that. Well, perhaps in the right environment...
by jbaggs ;
by Tyler K. Nothing ;
by Tom Brand ;
@NanoRaptor my first reaction also was "neat that they announce the new dune cast this way"
by SkaveRat 🐀 :verified: ;
@NanoRaptor lol they’re just selling stuff off thingiverse? Folks on Thingiverse stick The Rock’s face on all kinds of weird shit.
by Joel Michael ;
@NanoRaptor So the Rock is going for the role of God Emperor for Dune 4 ?
by David Raygoza Gómez ;
@NanoRaptor Finally, Leto the III
by Frost :neodog_flag_trans: ;
A fidget slug?
😬🤢 gross....
by Nick 'The Viking' O'Pelican ;
@NanoRaptor In other slug-related news https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2025/jan/11/giant-pink-slug-makes-a-comeback-on-extinct-volcano-in-nsw-national-park
by Ken Oath ;
@NanoRaptor nooooooooooooooooooooooo
by Stephen Hackett ;
@NanoRaptor oO
by Niléane ;
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@Orb2069 There's a pre-mare-in joke in there too somewhere but i'm a tired chook and it's past midnight!
Let me sing you a lullaby....
by Orb 2069 ;
Mentions: @Orb2069@mastodon.online
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@Exilsarahl I'm playing that by ear at the moment, and post endometriosis/intersex diagnosis everything is revolving around getting endogenous levels down (currently trying to *block* E at least, and my bod is arguing against the idea. Which is amusing but also not).
I'd have said forever, but health side effects are the controlling thing just atm.
@NanoRaptor hm, I see.
by Sarah (7252 @ 38c3) ;
Mentions: @Exilsarahl@chaos.social
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I started HRT closer to the first moon landing than to today.
Oh, wow! Congrats
It’s only been about 7 years for me
by powerLuser ;
@NanoRaptor congrats.
So, because we are of similar age I have a question which might be of interest for some of our sisters as well. Do you have an idea or plan for how long you're going to do HRT? I once asked Lynn Conway about this but forgot her answer.
My intention is until I'm 6ft under, but no idea if this makes sense.
by Sarah (7252 @ 38c3) ;
... Talk about a sea of tranquility!
by Orb 2069 ;
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@engagedpractx @ghosttie our whole digestive tract is practically brain too, innit? Ish. At a stretch.
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@NanoRaptor taste buds in the butt
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@Taco_lad I don’t like this but did fave it for absolute ambition.
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Retro Goth Bunny
@NanoRaptor Bunny ears
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@Dangerous_beans same but yknow - a change.
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Everyone swaps heights to the opposite around some kind of average.
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@ckape fuckit I’ll allow it.
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@blakespot it was yes - the one I cleaned (a little further back in my timeline for the remade poster) was also in a Time from November 1987.
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@Dangerous_beans extremely fuzzy and funny.
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You get to add *one* genetic change to all of humanity all at once. What is it/what does it do?
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@SolraBizna @hackbroetchen these last couple of weeks with barely any has at least helped show physiological dependence ain't there - I tend to do weekends off. The 'so addictive i keep forgetting to take them' rings very true.
Tried to make a booking this morning and dialed the place three times in the calculator app.
Which reminded me, at 11am, that I'd also forgotten this morning's dose.
(choosing, always, to see the amusing, and i don't need to be fully functional until back to work Mon)
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@NanoRaptor are you sure it was that bad before starting to take ADHD meds? One of the reasons that I'm hesitating to start taking my medication is that I'm afraid that I won't function without them at some point. There are studies that support that fear.
Has any one experiences to share?
(Boost welcome)
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@hackbroetchen Gods yes. I hadn't realised just how bad I was (beforehand) until I started diarising my experiences in the months before medication - I had to do that before being prescribed so that I had a baseline to look back at.
It was just as chaotic once I consciously looked for how I acted. And funny. And awful. And angering.
That I'd gone so long this bad, without being so fully aware.
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