Nick 'The Viking' O'Pelican

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Contacting Nick 'The Viking' O'Pelican

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Nick 'The Viking' O'Pelican's Information

Nick 'The Viking' O'Pelican's Bio

Rogue Mechanical Engineer 100% for hire
AKA Metalshaping Wizard
Can make your stuff work/design & build new stuff
3rd Generation engineer
Great Grandfather was a Blacksmith

Location currently SouthWest USA
Open to a new one

Searching for a project/org/collective dedicated to preservation of core tech and skills helpful or necessary if it all really goes to shit.

Talk to me about DLG Planes

Riding motos for a really long time
Working on mechanical things, even longer

Nick 'The Viking' O'Pelican's Posts

Nick 'The Viking' O'Pelican has 2 posts.

Nick 'The Viking' O'Pelican

In response to this post


A fidget slug?
😬🤢 gross....

@nlarson830 yeah if you had to name it anything that’s the one that both suits and doesn’t.

by Nanoraptor ;


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Nick 'The Viking' O'Pelican


I'm about the right height, and I think I'm a ways away from the average... so I'm not on board.

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