Orb 2069

Orb2069's pfp

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Orb 2069's Information


" you seem fine ™️ "


"in the cool kid zone."

For me


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Orb 2069's Bio

I saw one of the Spiderman reboot comics in a store, and misremembered '2099'. This is funnier, so it stays.

Orb 2069's Posts

Orb 2069 has 3 posts.


Orb 2069

Hi - I'm SWM, 55,a hunter of lost semicolons and mid tier VI Jedi - Casual USB PD enthusiast and tinkerer.

It has been [ 38 ] days since there was an injury on this profile.

Tags: #introduction

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Orb 2069

In response to this post


Let me sing you a lullaby....

Mentions: @NanoRaptor@bitbang.social

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Orb 2069

In response to this post


... Talk about a sea of tranquility!

@Orb2069 There's a pre-mare-in joke in there too somewhere but i'm a tired chook and it's past midnight!

by Nanoraptor ;

Mentions: @NanoRaptor@bitbang.social

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Orb 2069

Hi - I'm SWM, 55,a hunter of lost semicolons and mid tier VI Jedi - Casual USB PD enthusiast and tinkerer.

It has been [ 38 ] days since there was an injury on this profile.

Tags: #introduction

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