Showing posts with tag: #sce


Another round of PSPS (Public Safety Power Shutoffs) inbound for Southern California. in SCE territory, 27,252 customers already shut off, and 482,536 customers (~1.5M people) are under threat of shutoff as of 1/13/25 0528

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Mayor David Newman of Thousand Oaks, California:

"- Edison has restored power on most but not all circuits. About 1.6k customers are still out, reduced from 3.8k earlier this morning, and nearly 40k this week.

- SCE's Community Resource Center is open today, Saturday, through 10 pm in the lobby of the Thousand Oaks Inn, 75 W. TO Blvd. You can charge devices and speak with SCE reps there.

- This has been the longest and most widespread outage in city history. With more Edison PSPS warnings set for Monday through Wednesday, it's not over yet. Please stay safe!"

Tags: #thousandoaks #conejovalley #newburypark #venturacounty #wildfires #FireWx #psps #sce

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NOTE: Anyone who lost the contents of their refrigerator, SCE takes claims for the loss of food. Requires an ITEMIZED LIST OF ALL SPOILED FOOD (and receipts 😬 )

@ai6yr …who keeps receipts for that?

by Tony Yarusso ;

@ai6yr Wow. I wonder how frequently they wind up paying out with those restrictions..

by jbaggs ;

@ai6yr we but our groceries at Walmart and they have all of our purchases recorded on the app.

I bet that grocery stores can pull up your purchases from a credit card or loyalty program number.

Might take a couple calls to find someone willing to do it.

by Stephen Cerruti ;

@ai6yr Receipts. Thank you, SCE.

by W6KME ;

@ai6yr First you get a fridge full of pre-broiled food left at room temperature, courtesy of a firestorm, then you're digging through ashes to find receipts from Ralph's for reimbursement. At times, the bureaucracy is worse than the catastrophe. They should just set an arbitrary amount, and offer more if you have receipts.

by Steve's Place ;

@ai6yr If you used a credit card, some stores can pull replacement receipts for you after the fact.

by Alexis Krieg ;

@ai6yr Because we all save receipts for the food in our fridge and freezers. Nice out, SCE

by Cat West ;

Tags: #psps #sce #poweroutage

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PSPS Status 1/10/25 1926

Tags: #psps #sce #powershutoffs #blackout #wildfires

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LOL, check my email, and I got a love letter from SCE. Everything is on re-charge mode at the moment. (contingency power plan here worked GREAT, but it's good to start from "charged" versus "trying to keep up with power demands"):

"Winds have improved enough for us to restore power in your area. However, because high winds are still forecast through Friday afternoon we may have to shut off your power again. We will keep you updated as weather conditions change. If your power is still off, please call 1-800-611-1911 or visit

We understand that safety outages are inconvenient and thank you for your continued patience. "

@ai6yr charge all of the things!

by Douglas ;

@ai6yr wondering if you know how to find out my SCE circuit name. Years ago I thought it was Beyer but it never shows up on the dashboard. (I also don’t get shut off). But I can’t find any info like a map or list of circuits in TO. If someone is looking on the incident dash how would they even know which circuit they are?

by Gale Fernow (KN6YOX) ;

Tags: #sce #psps #newburypark #venturacounty #wildfires #cawx

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