Okay, although this is not yet under control, things are quieting down. I'm going to keep my powder dry in case of anything else tonight since this is not headed towards any populated areas.
You can get the important details (but not the nitty gritty) from CAFireScanner (Michael) over on Watch Duty
(ps. looks like they did trigger a formal evacuation in that riverbed).
#AutoFire 1/13/24 2150
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Gale Fernow (KN6YOX)
@ai6yr thanks for the detailed updates!
@galefernow No problem. I think more details really help people understand what's going on better, so they can judge their risk and action plans.
by AI6YR Ben ;
Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org
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Before I go, KTLA image shows how the heat has been knocked out of the head o the #AutoFire, so it won't spread as fast and crews can start putting it out. Their stream here: https://ktla.com/news/california/wildfires/crews-battle-fire-spreading-on-oxnard-golf-course/ Image at 1/13/25 2156
@ai6yr I'll be monitoring for a while yet, but as you say the intensity is greatly reduced, and with four modern helos on the job it should no longer be a threat pretty soon.
by W6KME ;
@ai6yr I'm glad things seem to be slowing. If the fire spreads all the way to the wastewater treatment plant where Harbor meets the river, that would be really crappy.
by Todd Barranca ;
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