@Zergling_man @realman543 @Tony @get @PurpCat @Lyx @Soy_Magnus @wollmonster @jeff @1995f976802c5db46c43ce7a838acc913b9f72a9dec835e766fbab08b12067b1 @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Jonny
“I want you to find out who did that. I bet it was that bastard Donald Trump."
The nation's top experts worked feverishly to find the culprit.
Later that day the chief of staff came to him and said, "Mr. President, I have good news and bad news.
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@Zergling_man @realman543 @Tony @get @PurpCat @Lyx @Soy_Magnus @wollmonster @jeff @1995f976802c5db46c43ce7a838acc913b9f72a9dec835e766fbab08b12067b1 @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Jonny
The good news is, you were right, the urine is, in fact, that of Donald Trump."
"And the bad news?"
"Well, sir, it's in your wife's handwriting.”
Mentions: @Zergling_man@sacred.harpy.faith @Lyx@cum.salon @Soy_Magnus@detroitriotcity.com @jeff@noxon.cc @Economic_Hitman@noauthority.social @jonny@neuromatch.social
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