Published by crows call me breadlady


crows call me breadlady's Post

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do you not like lisps because of a flavor’s ecosystem? its users? a lack of tooling? all of these are more valid than disliking parens. cope

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Ramin Honary

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“i don’t like lisp because of the parentheses” is a take i have less and less sympathy for over time. what, do you find this.kinda.bullshit() aesthetically inspiring? it’s all code. cope

@garbados for me the whole “because parentheses” take is incredibly ignorant and infuriating because the parentheses in Lisp is not just an arbitrary syntactic choice, it is a very important feature of the language: its elegant, minimalist syntax.

It is because of the parentheses and the prefix notation that the language is so tiny, and so minimal. It is because of parentheses that you can extend the language itself to include features like infix notation, or type checking, if you really need them. It is because of parentheses that we don’t see people designing entirely new programming languages that compile to Lisp just to add features like type checking. If JavaScript had been a real Lisp (as the original author intended), there would have never been any need for TypeScript, CoffeeScript, PureScript, ClojureScript, or whatever else.

The fact that people are never taught to appreciate the minimalist elegance of Lisp syntax has wasted, without exaggeration, many billions, possibly even trillions, of software engineering man-hours over the years.

#tech #software #lisp #LispLang

@ramin_hal9001 @garbados you know who has never said this? My high school students. First year in my fulll ignorance I tried to teach JS and never got past syntax troubles. With lispy flavors syntax isn't even a question... I just say to balance your parens occasionally. The focus is on writing working logic and that's profound.

by secretspecter 🚲:racket: ;

Tags: #lisplang #lisp #software #tech

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