ezmy :theart: :flagSapphic:

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Three buns in a trenchcoat.
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ezmy :theart: :flagSapphic: 's Posts

ezmy :theart: :flagSapphic: has 3 posts.


ezmy :theart: :flagSapphic:

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@stux Our onboarding process under Akkoma/Mangane is absurdly simple.. If they think it’s complex it’s because they’ve refused to give it a shot.. Mine doesn’t even require a captcha or a email confirmation.. Barely an inconvenience as the guy says.

@ezmyrelda @stux I think it's even easier for people who start with the Fediverse without any social media experience.
I started in 2020 and went through the settings calmly and curiously without any prior knowledge.
It's probably more difficult with previous experience with commercial services, because then you expect certain terms that are different here.

by caos ;

Mentions: @stux@mstdn.social

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ezmy :theart: :flagSapphic:

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@gamer That’s how my mom shops for furniture.. except her lounger.. she bought that new.. but most of the stuff we have came from a thrift shop.. all three tables surfaces in my bedroom are from thrift too.

@ezmyrelda@em.erge.to unfortunately a lot of the thrift stuff over here is either absolute garbage or in that spanish colonial style i absolutely abhor (no offense to anyone who likes it, i just fucking hate it personally)

i did find a local brand that makes stuff cheap and to my style which is really nice, but barring that i'd look to ikea or something

by gamer entertainment system (GES) ;

Mentions: @9vlr8c4jkxg8004l@fedi.bungle.online

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ezmy :theart: :flagSapphic:

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@gamer do you do any up cycling? That could be a good way to furnish a home depending on where you live.

@ezmyrelda@em.erge.to i don't rly have the tools or resources to refurb the furniture i like in the way i want to do it

and i'm like super picky on my style and pieces

but i do make use of the used market, it just so happens a majority of the used market pieces i like are like, more expensive than some brand new stuff from local brands

by gamer entertainment system (GES) ;

Mentions: @9vlr8c4jkxg8004l@fedi.bungle.online

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