argumento :socialiststar:

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Hago diseño, echo choros, leo cosas, juego videojuegos, y a veces no hago nada.

he/him/they/them Pronombres masculinos o neutres.

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argumento :socialiststar: has 43 posts.

argumento :socialiststar:

I found this in a telegram shitpost channel, don't asume I lurk on Dorsey's app.

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argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

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argumento :socialiststar:

In response to this post

And then there's the case of the Cinco de la Narvarte, where five people were murdered in a neighborhood next to mine apparently by order of the former governor of Veracruz, since two of them were activists against his administrations and the other 3 people were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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argumento :socialiststar:

In response to this post

Zavala and Zamora were two of the students that were murdered or jailed by the State while I was a student activist, but also Pavel Gonzalez, a zapatista sympathizer that studied at my faculty, and another student activist, Carlos Sinuhé Cuevas Mejía, were also murdered, one by right wing hooligans (porros) and the other presumably by the army.

And then there's the case of the Cinco de la Narvarte, where five people were murdered in a neighborhood next to mine apparently by order of the former governor of Veracruz, since two of them were activists against his administrations and the other 3 people were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

by argumento :socialiststar: ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

In response to this post

@heretical_i One would think that hiring mercenaries wasn't in breach of the Geneva convention.

@argumento About buying coups.😎 Iraq edition. Something I blogged during that genocide that's both hilarious and tragic. The fact the US thought they bought off Saddam's bureaucrats WAS publicly available info... But what Doug Feith had to say about it recounted by Juan Cole speaks volumes about delusion.

Tumblr tag link. Just search in page for the term POLO STEP.

by Heretical_i ;


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argumento :socialiststar:

In response to this post

Both students were "guilty" of having made contact with a guerrilla organization they wanted to join, but were intercepted and repressed by the army on their first meeting. Neither of them had any guerrilla training, yet Ricardo died handling a gun and firing back.

Guerrero is one of the poorest states in Mexico, a place where human rights violations are commonplace.

So f you if you think I'm susceptible to US made scare propaganda. It was the US and Israel who trained the murderous soldiers.

Zavala and Zamora were two of the students that were murdered or jailed by the State while I was a student activist, but also Pavel Gonzalez, a zapatista sympathizer that studied at my faculty, and another student activist, Carlos Sinuhé Cuevas Mejía, were also murdered, one by right wing hooligans (porros) and the other presumably by the army.

by argumento :socialiststar: ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

One year after I fist entered college at UNAM (Mexico's National University), two fellow students went to the state of Guerrero and one was murdered, the other jailed for nearly 5 years. They were Ricardo Zavala, who was murdered by the army, and Ericka Zamora, who was jailed and tortured, including having a simulated "death flight" (vuelo de la muerte). The army tossed her out a helicopter, tied and naked, but she didn't plunge to her death because she was tied to the helicopter.

Both students were "guilty" of having made contact with a guerrilla organization they wanted to join, but were intercepted and repressed by the army on their first meeting. Neither of them had any guerrilla training, yet Ricardo died handling a gun and firing back.

Guerrero is one of the poorest states in Mexico, a place where human rights violations are commonplace.

So f you if you think I'm susceptible to US made scare propaganda. It was the US and Israel who trained the murderous soldiers.

by argumento :socialiststar: ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

Seeing that the USA has a 25 million bounty on Nicolas Maduro one would think he's guilty of carrying out a genocide in Gaza or something...

Hello team.

Have you read the reports that since 20 years ago went on? Maybe he's not killed directly - Or at least, not known, but he had led the nation into a disgrace - abroad international blame, disgust... so on. Do you know how many people was murdered by Maduro's orders? Do you know how many families were forced to downgrade their lifestyles? Do you how many people was abused under that dictatorship?

If you know so and still not think that this person is a criminal... Are u ok dude?

by none ;

@argumento The US has resorted to PUBLICLY announcing it would literally BUY a ! 😂

by Heretical_i ;


that's less than a dollar for every vacant home in amerikkka

by girlfags 💘 dykeboys ;

Worse, he took Venezuelan oil away from them and they are not going to take it quietly.

On the other hand NATO/EU countries are breaking the Geneva convention commitment and will be hosting major war criminals for a ceremony despite of their obligation to arrest and forward those charged for major crimes.


by yianiris ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

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argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

And I make this extensive to all of so called Latin America. As long as there's an international market that subdues our nations for its interests, that are the interests of the powerful nations (imperialists) as much as of the international bourgeoisie (transnational corps) any attempt at "national liberation" or at "building socialism" will end in corruption, cronyism (boliburguesía) and in the long run repression in order to keep power

That's why I'm an internationalist and not a nationalist

@argumento I wanna push back on that last bit. Sure, nationalism wound up to not be very productive in Venezuela, but nationalism has often been at the heart of very successful socialist movements such as those in Cuba, the DPRK, and Vietnam. You can't really have internationalism without nationalism; otherwise, you just end up with a sort of globalism, however well-meaning.

by Comrade Ferret ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

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argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

Venezuela didn't fell into a crisis out of corruption and mismanagement alone, they were pushed into a crisis by the US, and the corruption of the bureaucracy is more a consequence than a cause.

Having said that, I stress, the PSUV is not a revolutionary party. Chavismo is a bunch of nice slogans and little more. The future of the Venezuelan people depends on an international revolution that removes their foreign oppressors, it can't be solved only with actions within its borders.

And I make this extensive to all of so called Latin America. As long as there's an international market that subdues our nations for its interests, that are the interests of the powerful nations (imperialists) as much as of the international bourgeoisie (transnational corps) any attempt at "national liberation" or at "building socialism" will end in corruption, cronyism (boliburguesía) and in the long run repression in order to keep power

That's why I'm an internationalist and not a nationalist

by argumento :socialiststar: ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

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argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

Venezuelan history didn't start when Chaves staged a coup and, after being freed from jail, won a series of elections. Venezuela had a military dictatorship sponsored by the CIA. They had a decades long "dirty war" where the army suppressed the communist insurrection. Then they had a decade of "neoliberal" governments that further impoverished the nation.

Then, after Chavez got elected, the US boycotted the Venezuelan economy with sanction after sanction, including stealing Venezuela's gold.

Venezuela didn't fell into a crisis out of corruption and mismanagement alone, they were pushed into a crisis by the US, and the corruption of the bureaucracy is more a consequence than a cause.

Having said that, I stress, the PSUV is not a revolutionary party. Chavismo is a bunch of nice slogans and little more. The future of the Venezuelan people depends on an international revolution that removes their foreign oppressors, it can't be solved only with actions within its borders.

by argumento :socialiststar: ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

Maduro is not a socialist, he's a left wing populist that leans on Christian rhetoric twice as much as on calls for socialism. His government is on a dead end and neither him nor Chavez accomplished a profound transformation of Venezuela.

But if you cheer for the "democratic opposition" without seeing they are literal fascists that actively took part in "Operación Condor" and that are payed and organized from Washington, then you are a tool.

A fucking tool.

Venezuelan history didn't start when Chaves staged a coup and, after being freed from jail, won a series of elections. Venezuela had a military dictatorship sponsored by the CIA. They had a decades long "dirty war" where the army suppressed the communist insurrection. Then they had a decade of "neoliberal" governments that further impoverished the nation.

Then, after Chavez got elected, the US boycotted the Venezuelan economy with sanction after sanction, including stealing Venezuela's gold.

by argumento :socialiststar: ;

Even opponents of Chavez/Maduro have accepted that living/working conditions for the bottom half of the population were drastically improved. So some welfate state exists and closed the gap up between the very poor and those not so poor.


by yianiris ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

In response to this post

@none I wrote my opinion on the Maduro government extensively elsewhere. I'll just say you are informed by propaganda outlets, and have a superficial knowledge of the topic you are boarding. You talk as if US sanctions against Venezuela didn't kill anyone or downgraded anyone's lifestyle.

Mentions: @none

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argumento :socialiststar:

Seeing that the USA has a 25 million bounty on Nicolas Maduro one would think he's guilty of carrying out a genocide in Gaza or something...

Hello team.

Have you read the reports that since 20 years ago went on? Maybe he's not killed directly - Or at least, not known, but he had led the nation into a disgrace - abroad international blame, disgust... so on. Do you know how many people was murdered by Maduro's orders? Do you know how many families were forced to downgrade their lifestyles? Do you how many people was abused under that dictatorship?

If you know so and still not think that this person is a criminal... Are u ok dude?

by none ;

@argumento The US has resorted to PUBLICLY announcing it would literally BUY a ! 😂

by Heretical_i ;


that's less than a dollar for every vacant home in amerikkka

by girlfags 💘 dykeboys ;

Worse, he took Venezuelan oil away from them and they are not going to take it quietly.

On the other hand NATO/EU countries are breaking the Geneva convention commitment and will be hosting major war criminals for a ceremony despite of their obligation to arrest and forward those charged for major crimes.


by yianiris ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

Vladimir Bashir
Putin Al Assad
Taking part
in the USA
Extraordinary Rendition

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Carme Pont

argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

Abolició de l'esclavitud.

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argumento :socialiststar:

Vladimir Bashir
Putin Al Assad
Taking part
in the USA
Extraordinary Rendition

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argumento :socialiststar:

The thing we need to abolish is the reality that a portion of human life can be sold as a commodity for money that in turn can buy commodities made by humans who sold a portion of their life for money.

Money is the key means for economy to work, and at the same time they separate all of humanity, that finds in money the largest, more meaningful and encompassing community.

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argumento :socialiststar:

@CosmickTrigger What the....

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