argumento :socialiststar:

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Hago diseño, echo choros, leo cosas, juego videojuegos, y a veces no hago nada.

he/him/they/them Pronombres masculinos o neutres.

argumento :socialiststar:'s Posts

argumento :socialiststar: has 43 posts.

The Dialectical Communist

argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

When evil alien invaders cannot compete at all against capitalism in the evilness scale

Tags: #capitalism #aliens #alieninvaders #SciFi #comics

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argumento :socialiststar:

In response to this post

And I make this extensive to all of so called Latin America. As long as there's an international market that subdues our nations for its interests, that are the interests of the powerful nations (imperialists) as much as of the international bourgeoisie (transnational corps) any attempt at "national liberation" or at "building socialism" will end in corruption, cronyism (boliburguesía) and in the long run repression in order to keep power

That's why I'm an internationalist and not a nationalist

@argumento I wanna push back on that last bit. Sure, nationalism wound up to not be very productive in Venezuela, but nationalism has often been at the heart of very successful socialist movements such as those in Cuba, the DPRK, and Vietnam. You can't really have internationalism without nationalism; otherwise, you just end up with a sort of globalism, however well-meaning.

by Comrade Ferret ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

In response to this post

Venezuela didn't fell into a crisis out of corruption and mismanagement alone, they were pushed into a crisis by the US, and the corruption of the bureaucracy is more a consequence than a cause.

Having said that, I stress, the PSUV is not a revolutionary party. Chavismo is a bunch of nice slogans and little more. The future of the Venezuelan people depends on an international revolution that removes their foreign oppressors, it can't be solved only with actions within its borders.

And I make this extensive to all of so called Latin America. As long as there's an international market that subdues our nations for its interests, that are the interests of the powerful nations (imperialists) as much as of the international bourgeoisie (transnational corps) any attempt at "national liberation" or at "building socialism" will end in corruption, cronyism (boliburguesía) and in the long run repression in order to keep power

That's why I'm an internationalist and not a nationalist

by argumento :socialiststar: ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

In response to this post

Venezuelan history didn't start when Chaves staged a coup and, after being freed from jail, won a series of elections. Venezuela had a military dictatorship sponsored by the CIA. They had a decades long "dirty war" where the army suppressed the communist insurrection. Then they had a decade of "neoliberal" governments that further impoverished the nation.

Then, after Chavez got elected, the US boycotted the Venezuelan economy with sanction after sanction, including stealing Venezuela's gold.

Venezuela didn't fell into a crisis out of corruption and mismanagement alone, they were pushed into a crisis by the US, and the corruption of the bureaucracy is more a consequence than a cause.

Having said that, I stress, the PSUV is not a revolutionary party. Chavismo is a bunch of nice slogans and little more. The future of the Venezuelan people depends on an international revolution that removes their foreign oppressors, it can't be solved only with actions within its borders.

by argumento :socialiststar: ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

Maduro is not a socialist, he's a left wing populist that leans on Christian rhetoric twice as much as on calls for socialism. His government is on a dead end and neither him nor Chavez accomplished a profound transformation of Venezuela.

But if you cheer for the "democratic opposition" without seeing they are literal fascists that actively took part in "Operación Condor" and that are payed and organized from Washington, then you are a tool.

A fucking tool.

Venezuelan history didn't start when Chaves staged a coup and, after being freed from jail, won a series of elections. Venezuela had a military dictatorship sponsored by the CIA. They had a decades long "dirty war" where the army suppressed the communist insurrection. Then they had a decade of "neoliberal" governments that further impoverished the nation.

Then, after Chavez got elected, the US boycotted the Venezuelan economy with sanction after sanction, including stealing Venezuela's gold.

by argumento :socialiststar: ;

Even opponents of Chavez/Maduro have accepted that living/working conditions for the bottom half of the population were drastically improved. So some welfate state exists and closed the gap up between the very poor and those not so poor.


by yianiris ;

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argumento :socialiststar:

¿Porqué vender la patria cuando sale tanto mejor rentarla?

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Carme Pont

argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

Ulls color oliva o color oli.

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argumento :socialiststar:

@fullmontis 😻

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argumento :socialiststar:

The idea that the fash are "the other side", and not US allies and minions, is as comforting as it's wrong.

(Yes, the Eastern autocracies also uphold dictatorial regimes, but not only numerically less of them, in cases like Vladimir Putin, those authoritarian regimes also were supported by the West in their early days)

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argumento :socialiststar:

Most gringos are fixated with Hitler and Mussolini because the USA fought against them, but they are less familiar with Pinochet, Videla, Sukarno or Batista because the US installed them. But their dictatorships were no only as terrible, in many cases they lasted longer than Hitler's "1000 years reich", because the USA armed them and endorsed them.

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Aure Free Press :verified:

argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

A man walked into a wax figure museum in Mexico City and mutilated the wax figure of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a hammer

In the end he says 'Free Palestine', 'Long live Yemen', 'Long live Sudan', and 'Long live Puerto Rico'.

Tags: #aurefreepress #news #press #headline #israel

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argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

Photos of soldiers killed in the past 48 hours in the ongoing battles in the northern Strip

@palestine @israel

Tags: #gaza #Israeli

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argumento :socialiststar:

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argumento :socialiststar:

Someone spent the last 4 years playing Hearts of Iron.

Tags: #trump #uspol #hoi #hoi4

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Yann Le Gall

argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

"Use software that is not intended to create art or images."

Tags: #genuary2025 #genuary7

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argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

Hey elon musk, since you're going after rape gangs, I thought you might be interested in this one. there's also a whole rape facility called Sde Teiman, one of several. I can send you a bunch of human rights reports too about these particular people from this particular country..


Tags: #women #censorship #gaza #lebanon #syria #iran #genocide #geopolitics #africa #democracy #humanrights #socialism #BlackMastodon #indigenous

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Tofu Golem

argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

Couldn't agree more.

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argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

Amigues, hemos renunciado a permanecer en X porque nos estaba saliendo un sarpullido por todo el cuerpo, pero la broma nos va a salir cara. Allí teníamos una comunidad de 200.000 personas y, aunque sabemos que el algoritmo nos jugaba a la contra, no podemos evitar sentir vértigo ante lo que se nos viene ahora fuera de aquello.

Echadnos un cable, por favor. Podéis compartir nuestro contenido, seguirnos en nuestras redes o, si os apetece, suscribiros aquí. 👇

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argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

Today's model showcase: HappieMeal's! One of my oldest but still like it!

Tags: #lowpoly #b3d #pixelart

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Marcus "MajorLinux" Summers

argumento :socialiststar: Boosted

This is dope news!

Dreams on a Pillow, the Palestinian video game about the 1948 Nakba, surpassed its funding goal

Tags: #dreamsonapillow #Palestine #nakba #funding #gaming

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