Published by argumento :socialiststar:


argumento :socialiststar:'s Post

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Venezuelan history didn't start when Chaves staged a coup and, after being freed from jail, won a series of elections. Venezuela had a military dictatorship sponsored by the CIA. They had a decades long "dirty war" where the army suppressed the communist insurrection. Then they had a decade of "neoliberal" governments that further impoverished the nation.

Then, after Chavez got elected, the US boycotted the Venezuelan economy with sanction after sanction, including stealing Venezuela's gold.

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argumento :socialiststar:

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Venezuela didn't fell into a crisis out of corruption and mismanagement alone, they were pushed into a crisis by the US, and the corruption of the bureaucracy is more a consequence than a cause.

Having said that, I stress, the PSUV is not a revolutionary party. Chavismo is a bunch of nice slogans and little more. The future of the Venezuelan people depends on an international revolution that removes their foreign oppressors, it can't be solved only with actions within its borders.

And I make this extensive to all of so called Latin America. As long as there's an international market that subdues our nations for its interests, that are the interests of the powerful nations (imperialists) as much as of the international bourgeoisie (transnational corps) any attempt at "national liberation" or at "building socialism" will end in corruption, cronyism (boliburguesía) and in the long run repression in order to keep power

That's why I'm an internationalist and not a nationalist

by argumento :socialiststar: ;

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