⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir
Contacting ⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir
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⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir's Information
Web |
https://webusers.imj-prg.fr/~antoine.chambert-loir/index.xhtml |
Blog |
Orcid |
BookWyrm |
achambert-loir@bw.heraut.eu |
⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir's Bio
- Apprentice mathematician (Professor at Université Paris Cité),
interested in algebraic geometry, number theory and (more recently) proof formalization
- Apprentice musician (drums, tabla, cajon; previously Diderock; a rarely meeting jazz trio/quartet).
- Apprentice progressist.
In love with math, jazz, indian music and poetry. ⏚
⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir's Posts
⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir has 7 posts.
⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir
There was a guy named Maxwell,
who was born on that day, 100 years ago,
even if his birth certificate doesn't say so.
His second name was Lemuel.
Whatever — everybody calls him Max.
Let's embark for a 100 days celebration
with Max Roach, here on Mastodon.
You know what to do? — Follow the hashtag…
#Jazz #MaxRoach100
Tags: #maxroach100 #jazz
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⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir
The gigantic #jazz #saxophone player Dexter Gordon was born #OnThisDay tomorrow, February 27 1923, just 100 years ago.
You may know him through this classic 1948 photograph by Herman Leonard.
To celebrate this musician, I'll embark tomorrow into a 10-day tour into his music, as a saxophone player and as a composer.
Follow the hashtag #DexterGordon100
Tags: #dextergordon100 #onthisday #saxophone #jazz
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Boosts: 0
⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir
Never too late to #mathober.
Day 1 - Spindle.
Be it for fun, or by rage,
Sophia will lead forever
The dance of the infidels.
Tags: #mathober
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir
Because 100 years ago, this day, on April 22, 1922, Charles Mingus was born, and he brought to this earth his incredible music, as a bass player, a composer and a band leader, and he also brought an inextinguible desire for justice.
Tags: #Mingus100
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⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir
@scott To oppose the Gaza genocide, those people took the risk of enabling a dictatorship in their own country. How responsible...
When we've been bombing other countries for decades without declaring war and thousands of people are killed by the state without trial every year, sometimes it feels like the ability to vote doesn't really matter.
If whoever you vote for will kill the same people 🤷🏽♀️
If whoever you vote for the emissions will go up 🤷🏽♀️
If whoever you vote for your healthcare will get worse and more expensive 🤷🏽♀️
If whoever you vote for FEMA will still be underfunded and the biggest polluter/carbon emission source(US military) in the world will get 20x the funding while also leaving veterans dying on American streets...
Sometimes voting doesn't really feel like it gives you much of a choice
by squifish ;
@antoinechambertloir the USA was a democracy from 1965 - 1980. @scott
by Sally Strange ;
Mentions: @scott@carfree.city
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Replies: 2
Boosts: 1
⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir
There was a guy named Maxwell,
who was born on that day, 100 years ago,
even if his birth certificate doesn't say so.
His second name was Lemuel.
Whatever — everybody calls him Max.
Let's embark for a 100 days celebration
with Max Roach, here on Mastodon.
You know what to do? — Follow the hashtag…
#Jazz #MaxRoach100
Tags: #maxroach100 #jazz
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Boosts: 0
⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir
The gigantic #jazz #saxophone player Dexter Gordon was born #OnThisDay tomorrow, February 27 1923, just 100 years ago.
You may know him through this classic 1948 photograph by Herman Leonard.
To celebrate this musician, I'll embark tomorrow into a 10-day tour into his music, as a saxophone player and as a composer.
Follow the hashtag #DexterGordon100
Tags: #dextergordon100 #onthisday #saxophone #jazz
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir
Never too late to #mathober.
Day 1 - Spindle.
Be it for fun, or by rage,
Sophia will lead forever
The dance of the infidels.
Tags: #mathober
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir
Because 100 years ago, this day, on April 22, 1922, Charles Mingus was born, and he brought to this earth his incredible music, as a bass player, a composer and a band leader, and he also brought an inextinguible desire for justice.
Tags: #Mingus100
Likes: 0
Replies: 0
Boosts: 0