Showing posts with tag: #osr

1 tripod in 3 trenchcoats

My old got lost somewhere

German, he/him, 40s, living in Poland (). I work in IT and do some geeky computer stuff on the side (, , )

My main hobby are ( , , ) and similar (, ) but I also do writing and reading (, ) and

I will be complaining about , , lack of , and the general state of the world

I do get weirdly obsessed with topics sometimes. But don't we all?

Tags: #introduction #lodz #usenet #uucp #irc #ttrpgs #osr #dnd #traveller #shadowrun #minipainting #boardgames #fantasy #sf #cooking #kids #cats #coffee

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1 tripod in 3 trenchcoats

Players wanted/Spieler gesucht

I am currently running a weekly Labyrinth Lord (B/X -ish) game as an open table on the Grenzland-Discord server ( channel) Sessions are 2h., Tuesdays 8.15pm CET, languages German or English

Ich leite derzeit jede Woche Labyrinth Lord (B/X DnDisch) als Open Table auf dem Grenzland-Discord server (Kanal )
Spiele dauern 2h, Dienstags 20.15 CET, Sprachen Englisch oder Deutsch

Tags: #dnd #glimmermark #ttrpg #osr #pnpde #LabyrinthLord

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Jim Jones

Does anyone have any good guides for creating an converting monsters for ? The information in the core rulebook is a bit light.

There is more information for customizing the undead, creating unique dragons, and creating demons. However, there isn't a lot about rounding out a Stat block or things of that nature (unless I'm missing something).

Published and online material welcome.


I found this great guide after a little searching. Apparently the Annual also has a more explicit guide for monster creation in it as well ($30 for a PDF is a bit steep for me, I'd prefer a physical book).

by Jim Jones ;

Tags: #dungeoncrawlclassics #dcc #ttrpg #rpg #osr #dnd

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Jim Jones

Ben Milton's Knave 2e book is chock full of tables for all sorts of things. It's a great resource.

Unfortunately, there's no included list of all the tables in the book and, despite being only 80 pages or so, I still have a hard time finding what I am looking for.

For that reason, I compiled a list of Knave 2e's tables and posted it online. I hope it helps someone else.

Tags: #knave2e #ttrpg #rpg #osr #nsr

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Jim Jones

I converted some monsters for an upcoming game using Ben Milton's Knave 2e. As I convert more monsters to the system, I'll collect them all in what I'm calling the Promptuary of Pernicious Perils.

I am using the stats from Chris Gonnerman's excellent Basic Fantasy Role Playing Game (BFRPG) as a jumping off point.

Hopefully others will find them useful.

First up? Goblins of all sorts and dire wolves.

Tags: #knave2e #promptuaryofperniciousperils #bfrpg #rpg #ttrpg #osr #nsr

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