Showing posts with tag: #knave2e
Jim Jones
Ben Milton's Knave 2e book is chock full of tables for all sorts of things. It's a great resource. Unfortunately, there's no included list of all the tables in the book and, despite being only 80 pages or so, I still have a hard time finding what I am looking for. For that reason, I compiled a list of Knave 2e's tables and posted it online. I hope it helps someone else. #Knave2e #TTRPG #RPG #OSR #NSR
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Jim Jones
I converted some monsters for an upcoming game using Ben Milton's Knave 2e. As I convert more monsters to the system, I'll collect them all in what I'm calling the Promptuary of Pernicious Perils. I am using the stats from Chris Gonnerman's excellent Basic Fantasy Role Playing Game (BFRPG) as a jumping off point. Hopefully others will find them useful. First up? Goblins of all sorts and dire wolves. #Knave2e #PromptuaryOfPerniciousPerils #BFRPG #RPG #TTRPG #OSR #NSR
Tags: #knave2e #promptuaryofperniciousperils #bfrpg #rpg #ttrpg #osr #nsr Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 0 |