Published by AI6YR Ben


AI6YR Ben's Post

All okay here, but disaster lesson of the last week: nearby, offsite backup (same city/neighborhood) is insufficient for apocalyptic firestorms. Okay for local disasters affecting a single house, but would not have been effective for a neighborhood-impacting disaster (wildfire, earthquake). (known flaw in plan).

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Hashtags: #disasterpreparedness


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Stephen Hoffman

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@ai6yr Off-site backups? In 2025? How much is the lunar-base storage option?

@HoffmanLabs @ai6yr

The Moon is a lousy environment for storing data.

I regret that I have had to explain this to multiple people.

by Michael Busch ;


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Scott Francis

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@ai6yr my rule of backups is one local (for the most common case, which is hardware failure of my primary device and the need to restore onto a new one) and one in the cloud somewhere. At least. And one of those has to be point-in-time snapshots, not a sync/mirror (to prevent accidental local deletion from sync'ing to everywhere)


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Mike Ely

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@ai6yr I am a huge fan of Backblaze for this purpose. Encrypt before sending to them, store the key securely a different way, use their S3 immutability, choose a remote geographic location. They're cheap - I keep my Mastodon instance backed up for a dollar fifty a month.

@me Dollar fifty?!?!! Dang, I need to do that. Particular linux software you are using to accomplish that?

by AI6YR Ben ;

@me @ai6yr
I tried Backblaze. It was much more expensive than that. Like 10X. I stopped it because it was like an expensive gym membership. It's also a per- station price regardless of the overall memory amount, which wasn't great.

I must have clicked the wrong thing signing up?

by Weird Socks ;


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Jim Hubbell

In response to this post

Back when I was writing my thesis, I would email the current draft to each of my family members because they all had different providers. I told them it was only for backup, they were not expected to read it.


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