Mike Ely

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Mike Ely's Bio

Technologist, dad, author, ally if you want one. Writing site used to update weekly.

"The limits of what you are willing to imagine are an epitaph you wrote for your own freedom." --ohnoitstbskyen

Mike Ely's Posts

Mike Ely has 7 posts.

Mike Ely

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@ai6yr gonna be a long few days for you down there. Sorry you're going through it.

@me Need a bit of a shift in weather, yes. Thanks.

by AI6YR Ben ;

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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Mike Ely

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@Melissabeartrix a rumble seat.

Mentions: @Melissabeartrix@hugz.online

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Mike Ely

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@ai6yr @Dhmspector

@me @Dhmspector Pretty much. I mean, even the same general role in the US govt.

by AI6YR Ben ;

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org @Dhmspector@mastodon.social

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Mike Ely

In response to this post

@ai6yr I read that hashtag as Los Angeles, not Louisiana, and was deeply confused. Not that dumping snow in Louisiana is any less confusing.

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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Mike Ely

In response to this post

@ai6yr I'm using Duplicity - dumping first to a local directory and then copying that up to B2. Do something like this in the pre script for your local backup:

/usr/bin/sudo -u mastodon /usr/bin/pg_dump mastodon_production > /backup/pgsqldump-$(date '+%F')

Then in post do an rm so they don't stack up forever.

@me Thanks|!

by AI6YR Ben ;

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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Mike Ely

In response to this post

@ai6yr I am a huge fan of Backblaze for this purpose. Encrypt before sending to them, store the key securely a different way, use their S3 immutability, choose a remote geographic location. They're cheap - I keep my Mastodon instance backed up for a dollar fifty a month.

@me Dollar fifty?!?!! Dang, I need to do that. Particular linux software you are using to accomplish that?

by AI6YR Ben ;

@me @ai6yr
I tried Backblaze. It was much more expensive than that. Like 10X. I stopped it because it was like an expensive gym membership. It's also a per- station price regardless of the overall memory amount, which wasn't great.

I must have clicked the wrong thing signing up?

by Weird Socks ;

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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Mike Ely

@ai6yr well, his degree is 22 anyhow.

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