Published by Emeritus Prof Christopher May


Emeritus Prof Christopher May's Post

If nutrition & eating are central to good health (and mental acuity), then the TUC's finding that one in six workers are skipping meals because they cannot afford the food, is not just a health issue (which may be contributing to the UK continued health crisis), but also could be (yet one more) factor underlying the productivity puzzle...

Incremental productivity gains often come from the shopfloor, but hungry workers seem less likely to innovate!

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Hashtags: #workers #health


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Most have likely had at least once as well. Brain fog and tiredness are well documented.

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@ChrisMayLA6 Nothing new under the sun. Sweden had this problem in the 70s, I think the politicians discovered that workers ate too badly or not at all. So they launched "Rikskuponger" which where a coupon system you could buy food for, but nothing else. It was also not a taxable benefit.

I don't if it alone solved the problem, but I do remember them from my youth. Everyones, parents used to get them at work, and give them to their children from time to time to buy a meal at a restaurant.


Yes, the UK had the same problem at the end of the C19th & in the 1930s, and during the 70s too.... its a recurrent issue, unsurprisingly

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;


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Paul the Nerd

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@ChrisMayLA6 It would help if the bulk of the productivity gains didn't go straight to the top or to the state. Its all connected


agreed, the weak productivity gains that there have been in the last decade have all been siphoned off into profits/dividends/executive wages.... not sure the state has got any of it

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;


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Charlie Stross

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@ChrisMayLA6 I remember visiting the Google campus in the early 00s and marveling at the free food … which is something I gather they've cut right back on in the past couple of years. Yet another indicator to add to the list of "corporate death spiral" signs …?


a canary in the cafe?

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;


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