Paul the Nerd

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Paul the Nerd's Bio

The name is Paul, I live in with my partner and our cute British shorthair Truffles and ragdoll cat Gizmo. I like , , , , and . These things will be the subject I toot most about. I work as a voice engineer by day and a giant nerd by night.

Going to try and keep it positive and fairly wholesome.

Paul the Nerd's Posts

Paul the Nerd has 1 posts.

Paul the Nerd

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@ChrisMayLA6 It would help if the bulk of the productivity gains didn't go straight to the top or to the state. Its all connected


agreed, the weak productivity gains that there have been in the last decade have all been siphoned off into profits/dividends/executive wages.... not sure the state has got any of it

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;


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