@snep @dragonarchitect for example I have a jail that runs a python script every minute, which pulls some data from sensors and pushes them into influxdb. setting that up was as easy as making a jail, installing python, writing the script, adding it to crontab.
I can't replicate that here, at least without a lot of manual fucking about.
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Snep :floofHappy:
@gsuberland @dragonarchitect I know that I most likely can't say anything that won't sound like me trying to evangelize you over to Docker, which isn't really my intention in any way, I'm just curious about your viewpoints. But I will say that it sounds roughly like the same amount of work to set this up, be it with Docker or in a jail!
@snep @dragonarchitect feel free to try doing it in TrueNAS SCALE and see how it goes.
by Graham Sutherland / Polynomial ;
Mentions: @gsuberland@chaos.social @dragonarchitect@rubber.social
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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial
@snep @dragonarchitect another example: I wrote some tooling in .NET that scans my music directory, pulls out tag data, fetches additional info from various internet sources and local sources, normalises everything, and saves it back to the files. there's an additional little static HTML/JS webapp that shows me info about the process, served from nginx. all of that is in a container, was trivial to get up and running. just installed dotnet/nginx, set up services.
can't replicate that in SCALE.
@snep @dragonarchitect "just run your own app hosting separately" isn't a solution because it's then not running on the box with all the media on it
by Graham Sutherland / Polynomial ;
@gsuberland @dragonarchitect You certainly could, nothing there is out of the realms for immutable containers! Although, granted, by the sounds of how they implemented their GUI under TrueNAS for it, it /will/ be more tedious to those used to installing their services and scripts manually from a shell ontop a base OS install, a learning curve, if you will
by Snep :floofHappy: ;
Mentions: @snep@y.diskcat.com @dragonarchitect@rubber.social
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