Published by Graham Sutherland / Polynomial


Graham Sutherland / Polynomial's Post

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@snep @dragonarchitect yes and it's shit for this kind of use case

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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

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@snep @dragonarchitect like that's all well and good if you're an enterprise building infrastructure-as-code stuff with build artifacts and CI/CD and all that cargo cult shit, but for a NAS it's super high friction and very annoying (especially because it has no UI for compose - if you want anything beyond the container as-is plus some mounts you're generally SOL via the UI)

@gsuberland @dragonarchitect It really just sounds like a bad implementation in this case that disallows proper customization in the GUI of installed containers. I've never done any work with any CI/CD or IaaS implemenations and I still think Docker is great for single instance applications /because/ the containers can reliably be set up in a repeatable way on any machine the engine runs on, /because/ they are immutable outside of mount points and env variables. Less friction than DIYing it IMO

by Snep :floofHappy: ;


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Snep :floofHappy:

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@gsuberland @dragonarchitect I wonder, what use case do you mean exactly? Installing extra server apps onto a NAS OS? Because I feel like a (proper!) Docker implementation is perfect for that, compared to LXC containers or VMs for example

@snep @dragonarchitect to give you an example of how nice this was on CORE:

create jail
it has its own IP
you can mount paths from the pool onto it
you install stuff just like you would anywhere else
that's it

by Graham Sutherland / Polynomial ;


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