@mjausson @DEDGirl @justyourluck I'm paranoid about it so I always have 2 masks on me, in case a strap breaks.
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Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck
If something happens with the straps is my Flomask and seriously someone would have to cut them... I've worn them so thin sometimes... I envision holding the mask over my nose and mouth like the flight attendant demonstrates the oxygen mask 🤣
@mjausson @DEDGirl
@justyourluck @mjausson @DEDGirl I have one brand of N95's (which works fine) but if you pull too hard out on them the straps fly off... so I now only use them for yard work/wildfire reasons (ie this week).
by AI6YR Ben ;
Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org @mjausson@mastodon.design @DEDGirl@mastodon.world @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org @mjausson@mastodon.design @DEDGirl@mastodon.world
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Cecilia Mjausson Huster
@ai6yr @DEDGirl @justyourluck Except for the 3M Aura, I've never had a strap break. That's why I don't use the Auras.
Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org @DEDGirl@mastodon.world @justyourluck@masto.ai
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