@mastodonmigration @BlurryBitsPhoto
Sharing if this helps.
This is what my trackers show me about bluesky. It is mainly adblock plus, but that extension does not show the details. Duck duck go does identify third party trackers but they go back to bluesky I think.
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Yeah super tracker free :flan_laugh: :no:
@MagentaRocks @mastodonmigration @BlurryBitsPhoto
@stux @mastodonmigration @BlurryBitsPhoto
Also, don't be fooled by deck-blue. There are way more trackers there as well.
by Magenta Rocks ;
@MagentaRocks @mastodonmigration @BlurryBitsPhoto
While we're at it..
mstdn.social after 246947 hours open or so :catblush:
by stux⚡ ;
Mentions: @MagentaRocks@mastodon.coffee @mastodonmigration@mastodon.online @BlurryBitsPhoto@pnw.zone
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