Flatbush Gardener 🌈

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Flatbush Gardener 🌈's Posts

Flatbush Gardener 🌈 has 3 posts.

Flatbush Gardener 🌈

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You *were* standing in the middle of the street, so ...
@frog @murodegrizeco @W6KME

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org @frog@frogdrool.net @murodegrizeco@toad.social @W6KME@mastodon.radio

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Flatbush Gardener 🌈

@ai6yr @ingalls
Thanks! I hate it.

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Flatbush Gardener 🌈

@ingalls @ai6yr
Ah, yes. Toofs McBrush, your dental hygiene pal.

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