
robbin_easy's pfp

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facebook refugee account. actually me. some associations: Simon's Rock, Great Barrington, Housatonic MA

robbin_easy's Posts

robbin_easy has 6 posts.



Hello World. this is my facebook-refugee "my real name*" account. I'm hoping I can keep in touch with the real humans I know from facebook and around town.

*not my real name but close enough

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@stux oh. yes I see you also said much the same.


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@stux @EUCommission pretty sure it only happened to people who followed the official POTUS account -- which was renamed, and I think still has all its original followers, and which was always distinct from the official Joe Biden account.
I don't really like that, either, but it's altogether not as creepy as some of the ideas flying around right now. also I'm not sure but would like to find out how this has been handled for previous presidencies. it could actually be standard practice? curious


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@stux specifically the sign you included reminded me of duke's irreverence. and the retro style, of course


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@stux it's giving id software and I love it. very 'early duke nukem'

@robbin_easy it's a retro pixel art style platformer indeed! :blobcathearts:

Made in a modern game engine 😆

by stuxâš¡ ;


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@stux look what they took from us


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Hello World. this is my facebook-refugee "my real name*" account. I'm hoping I can keep in touch with the real humans I know from facebook and around town.

*not my real name but close enough

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