two slightly distorted guitars

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Contacting two slightly distorted guitars

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two slightly distorted guitars's Information


Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland



Some emojis


two slightly distorted guitars's Bio

404 gender not found

social media history:, LiveJournal, gaming forums, Dreamwidth, Tumblr, Mastodon

never-fail special interests: Thunderbirds, boybands

two slightly distorted guitars's Posts

two slightly distorted guitars has 4 posts.


two slightly distorted guitars

I've been on Mastodon a while, recently switched to I'm in . Freshly diagnosed . and .

I'm interested in , . . and culture. - mine and yours!

Music tastes cluster around three disparate genres: my parents' records, , and , especially such as old friends and and new favourites .

Tags: #introduction #tamakimakaurau #auckland #adhd #genderqueer #nonbinary #conservation #nzpol #transport #catsofmastodon #fanfic #fandom #SpecialInterests #doommetal #ninetiespop #BoyBands #BackstreetBoys #5ive #bts

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two slightly distorted guitars

I've been on Mastodon a while, recently switched to I'm in . Freshly diagnosed . and .

I'm interested in , . . and culture. - mine and yours!

Music tastes cluster around three disparate genres: my parents' records, , and , especially such as old friends and and new favourites .

Tags: #introduction #tamakimakaurau #auckland #adhd #genderqueer #nonbinary #conservation #nzpol #transport #catsofmastodon #fanfic #fandom #SpecialInterests #doommetal #ninetiespop #BoyBands #BackstreetBoys #5ive #bts

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