A Wolf in Cheap Clothing
6 months ago
#FollowFriday#FavouriteMusiciansOrGroups#Genesis #PhillColins #ColinJames #Aerosmith #MurrayHead #WeirdAl #Pink #MileyCyrus #TheBarenakedLadies #AmandaMarshal #MikeAndTheMechanics #adamLambert #Rush #VanHallen #BonJovi #BackStreetBoys #SpiceGirls #EltonJohn #BillyJoel #BelindaCarlise #Bananarama #AtomicKitten #Roxette #TheCure #ShaniaTwain #Styx ...
Tags: #followfriday #favouritemusiciansorgroups #genesis #phillcolins #colinjames #aerosmith #murrayhead #weirdal #pink #mileycyrus #thebarenakedladies #amandamarshal #mikeandthemechanics #adamlambert #rush #vanhallen #bonjovi #BackstreetBoys #spicegirls #eltonjohn #billyjoel #belindacarlise #bananarama #atomickitten #roxette #thecure #shaniatwain #styx
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two slightly distorted guitars
2 years ago
#Introduction I've been on Mastodon a while, recently switched to mastodon.nz. I'm in #TāmakiMakaurau #Auckland. Freshly diagnosed #ADHD. #GenderQueer and #NonBinary.
I'm interested in #Conservation, #NZPol #transport. #catsofmastodon. #Fanfic and #fandom culture. #SpecialInterests - mine and yours!
Music tastes cluster around three disparate genres: my parents' records, #DoomMetal, and #NinetiesPop, especially #BoyBands such as old friends #BackstreetBoys and #5ive and new favourites #BTS.
Tags: #introduction #tamakimakaurau #auckland #adhd #genderqueer #nonbinary #conservation #nzpol #transport #catsofmastodon #fanfic #fandom #SpecialInterests #doommetal #ninetiespop #BoyBands #BackstreetBoys #5ive #bts