raganwald πŸ“

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raganwald πŸ“'s Information

raganwald πŸ“'s Bio

"Half-god, half prattling man-baby"β€”Rosie M. Banks

I am available to "make something wonderful." My superpower has been described as, "The best engineer of the product managers, and the best product manager of the engineers." Two-time leadership award winner. Enterprise Sales and Engineering Management refugee.

I wrote JavaScript AllongΓ© and other words about the things I love. ex-[PagerDuty, GitHub, Unspace, KL Group, Codestorm, ...]

raganwald πŸ“'s Posts

raganwald πŸ“ has 5 posts.

raganwald πŸ“

Read Dr. King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail."


DO NOT ask AI to summarize it.
DO NOT "like, boost, and scroll on."
DO read his original words, in their entirety.

@raganwald I read it most years. Thanks for the prompt this time around.

Truly, the white moderates have fucked it up royally this time.

by samir, a very hard worker ;

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raganwald πŸ“

In response to this post

@MostlyHarmless My favourite systems are those that do not allow you to speed-run the menu by pressing multiple tones in a row.*

They live for people getting frustrated, hanging up, and blaming themselves for being too stupid to navigate the twisty little touch-tone options, all alike.


(Morgan Freeman voiceover) These systems are not, in fact, his favourites.

Mentions: @MostlyHarmless@thecanadian.social @MostlyHarmless@thecanadian.social

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raganwald πŸ“

If the Town Square is owned by a company, you live in a Company Town, even if it isn't labeled as such.

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raganwald πŸ“

@MostlyHarmless And full agreement from @skeletor

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